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New Energy Drink


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Hi all just wanted to give out an alternative to Red Bull etc. I have been using a newer nrg drink for the past couple of months and it seems to work just as well as the others but without some of the artificial sweeteners or sugar. It is called celsius (and no I don't work for them) and it contains Taurine and 200 mg of caffeine, I am not sure of how much taurine but the can shows 1810 mg total of taurine, caffeine, green tea extract, guarana, ginger root, and glucuronolactone (whatever that is). It does not contain aspartame, sugar, corn syrup, or artificial colors or flavors. It also has a non carbonated variety for easier chugging when the hits come on. Just though I would let you know of an alternative that has helped me abort quite a few low kip hits. PF wishes to all.


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