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New to the forum - in cluster season right now

Banjer Taylor

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Hi everyone,

I'm 28, and have had episodic clusters since I was 16. When they first started, my mom took me to a bunch of doctors. None of which were very helpful... They basically just tried to treat me for migraines. Eventually, through my own research, I learned to abort my CHs by going outside and sprinting for a while. My CH episodes were much more common in my teens, but have since dropped off somewhat in frequency, in my 20s. Most recently, I enjoyed a CH free 1.5 years! Man it was great... But earlier this month, as I went with my family to pick out a Christmas tree, I felt that old special feeling in the left side of my face again. It was the "warning" headache. Barely painful, but very indicative of weeks to come... I almost cried. So, as I sit here now, I've had 4 clusters since 7:15 last night. (7:15pm, 11:20pm, 2:15AM, 10:45AM. 

Anyway, The reason I am writing is, I've seen that many people have experienced great success with the D3 regimen. I think I'd like to try that. Any suggestions or words of wisdom? Eventually, I would like to get some oxygen, as well. (I tried oxygen in my teens, and it but after reading about it recently, I don't think I tried at the proper dosage or with the proper face mask.) I'm really tired of running...    



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@Banjer Taylor welcome to the forum! I too just recently joined in july. I was very fortunate to obtain oxygen pretty early on. It was very challenging. Not so much to get the script, but to find a place that actually provides the tanks. I got the proper mask from cluster02kit and it works very well. I’m still learning the proper breathing techniques and everything. I got on the D3 regimen a month after I started feeling terrible. I still get a lot of shaddow pain and I’m sure the D3 has helped tons. I take extra fish oil to help with the depression. My next step is to try busting with mm. I would read up on that if I were you. I would absolutely put all your focus on getting that oxygen. It’s imperative to abort the attacks. You’ll hear back from more experienced members soon. @Batch has all the answers for the D3 regimen.

take care 


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B'T', I will recommend that you look this over.  https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/6213-basic-non-busting-information/  It has some links (such as to the D3 regimen) and some ideas about things you can do (such as energy shots and Benadryl) while you're acquiring what you need -- oxygen being, indeed, as kat' said. foremost among those things.  The basic info about busting is also there (same as what you would see under the blue "New Users ..." banner at the top of each page).

The new medication, Emgality, has helped some people, so when you get a doctor appointment, you might ask to try that.  Regarding doctors, most here have found that doctors at headache centers are much better at prescribing that other doctors, including general neurologists.

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