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Role of Methyl Folate in the "D" Reg


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Just wondering about the role of Methyl Folate in the D reg? I've been taking it and have had no problems with it but I'm curious as it states on the bottle it's for heart health. I understand the zinc or quercetin needs a bullet to deliver it into our system so on and so forth (I can't remember if its the zinc ,C,quercetin or all)? Just wondering. 

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It was a valid and honest question and there is nothing to be ashamed about. What I need to review in the Vitamin D protocol is if Vitamin K is included. You can't have D synthesis without K. Well, proper. And for that matter, I need to continue research on where the hell these doctors are purchasing their Vitamin D from, as their 25 Hydroxy Levels are at 100 nano consuming just 3,000 IU per day. And I guess that they consume Vitamin K as well. It would be the same disaster as taking zinc w/o copper. If you take zinc alone, you deplete your copper levels and a dead ringer is that it will be 90 degrees and you will have a pea coat on.

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1 hour ago, Juss said:

It was a valid and honest question and there is nothing to be ashamed about. What I need to review in the Vitamin D protocol is if Vitamin K is included. You can't have D synthesis without K. Well, proper. And for that matter, I need to continue research on where the hell these doctors are purchasing their Vitamin D from, as their 25 Hydroxy Levels are at 100 nano consuming just 3,000 IU per day. And I guess that they consume Vitamin K as well. It would be the same disaster as taking zinc w/o copper. If you take zinc alone, you deplete your copper levels and a dead ringer is that it will be 90 degrees and you will have a pea coat on.

Thanks Juss and yes the k is included in the protocol.  To be 100% honest I looked back at what I've read and I'm kinda confused as to how the folate came into play..I wouldn't have just started taking it on my own.. I'm sure I read it somewhere but again I'm most likely a wing nut.. Thank you for not making me feel so far out there!

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Just now, BoscoPiko said:

Thanks Juss and yes the k is included in the protocol.  To be 100% honest I looked back at what I've read and I'm kinda confused as to how the folate came into play..I wouldn't have just started taking it on my own.. I'm sure I read it somewhere but again I'm most likely a wing nut.. Thank you for not making me feel so far out there!

P.S. I follow the Batch protocol.  He is a really smart guy. Look at his posts when you have a sec! 




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To be fair, folate deficiency does run in women, as does iron. That could be the possible link. Otherwise, it is kind of funny. I did read a lot of batches stuff years ago, say 2013 (or was it 2014?) thru 2015 and I would have to review it again. It’s been some time. 

I used to be all on board the megadose wagon until I started seeing far to much conflicting evidence, and that evidence did not come from competing interests. As I was taught everything in moderation. If it is that bad, IV looks like the best recourse (if that option exists).

My issue with that option is purely cost. The Nemechek Protocol is $1,000 for the first visit and that doesn't include the travel and lodge. By law, this doc can't do telehealth for the first visit, and neither can Dr.  Jacob Teitelbaum, who charges $2,000 for an initial visit. A local functional trained under his protocol charges $650. It is not cheap. Naturopaths are nothing short of voodoo Doctors like chiropractors. Strike that option dead. Both have gone under scrutiny. 

I don't know where to find the money, but I will have to. Western Medicine has nothing short of a terrible track record. And ask anyone with a history like mine, they are in the business of keeping you barely functioning by proxy of pharmaceuticals. I got 50% better by avoiding doctors and quitting meds by secretly tapering (I knew what I was doing). I used to get meds and throw them in the wastebasket. I finally told the docs and quit. Problem partially solved.

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10 hours ago, Juss said:

did read a lot of batches stuff years ago, say 2013

I'm sure his stuff has been tweaked since then really most of what he suggests is supplements no rx. The D reg has helped me alot my last cycle I was able to just deal without abortive meds as it took the hits from a 10 to a 6 or so

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