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Questions re: seeds and welding Oxygen

Laura Ann

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I'm new here and have read many posts already and ordered RC seeds.  Hopefully they will work!  I have about 1/4 of an H tank left of O2, and think it will only last another week, if I'm lucky.  I have insurance, however, it's new health insurance and having trouble getting my O2 covered (I'm told it could take up to 2 weeks to get it ok'd, ordered and delivered)  In the meantime, I was hoping to get welder's oxygen, but not sure how to go about ordering a tank without being questioned by the supplier as to why I am ordering it.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Just tell them the old man is building you a yard barbecue and you have the acyetlene tank already. All you need for him to get his tanks ready is the tank and regulator for the 02. K tanks weigh about 180 pounds so get a smaller one. They make various sizes. So ask them to show you what they have. It will save you a sore back. ;)

the bb

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You really dont have to tell them anything. I want an 02 tank and regulator. Thats it. If they question, just say I'll go somewhere's else, then see what happens. That way, there is no story tellin. ;)

the bb

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Like my dad used to tell me..."if you don't know what you're doing, act like you do!"

Good advise from the bb. Just act like you've been to a hundred oxygen supply stores. No thang.

You will probably want to rent or lease a tank. Mine is 40 bucks a year and $10 refills. I think it's an M tank. Very big but manageable as far as getting it in the house and all.


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Thanks Dan!  I don't know if I should even bother.  Had a horrible night last night and O2 didn't do a thing.  K8-K9 from 9:00 p.m.-ish to 3:30 a.m.-ish.  Pain would subside and come back stronger and then the lovely muscle spasms that would not let me go to sleep.  At work now hoping my seeds come today and hoping my body will be too exhausted to give me any pain today.

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Earlier this week I went to a welding supply co and purchased a smallish tank of O2.It cost $156.00, and refills are $23.00.I don't know if its an E size, but it's about the size of 2 footballs end to end.

I was a bit nervous:

What do you need it for?


Do you already have the acetylene?


I'm in the Midwest as well.  Welcome!


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I have the same concerns as Dan - if you're getting hit hard and a quarter of an M tank could last as long as a week, I wonder if you've adopted the power user method of administering O2 that can make the difference between abort or no abort? (deep and vigorous hyperventilation using an Optimask with large reservoir bag retrofit and a liter flow of 25 LPM +....)

Then there are those who swear by downing an energy drink right at onset, and believe that it can tip the scales in favor of sustained abort with O2 (granted an energy drink can have it's side effects at night).

And Hipshot, I like the way you're signing your name now.  :D Dam, Dan!  ;D

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Thanks everyone for your responses and support.  I'm using a rebreather now but will definitely need to check into the optimask and get it ordered.  Red Bull after Red Bull (2 and a half) was chugged and sipped, actually took 10 mg melatonin and 2-25 mg benadryl and 15-20 minutes later, while awake, I was hit.  It used to be if I breathed slowly and deeply, it was gone in 3 mins. Got to the point I just started crying just to relieve stress and anxiety building in me.

Side note, seeds will be in my anxious little hands today.   :D

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Yay! I think that could really give you something to look forward to.

I think I recognize what you've been experiencing with the O2 - years ago I used to use O2 in the conventional rebreather manner, and it would work some at first, but at a certain point during an episode I'd end up giving up and sending the O2 tank back.

Between your decision to try the optimask and your soon to arrive RC seeds it sounds like your future could be looking brighter - and less painful!!.  :)

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Have the mask ordered and took 30 seeds Thursday.  Clusters are starting a pattern of 9:15 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. and in the mornings when I wake up.

Thursday night I drank the seed mixture and when 9:15 rolled around i had some shadowing and then tingling in the areas of the head with shadows.  Slep til 11:30 and woke up with no pain.  5:30 a.m. woke with K5, fell asleep after it subsided and 7:00 woke up with K7-8 for half hour.

Last night (friday) was bad.  9:15 p.m., 11:30 p.m., 1:45 a.m., 3:00 a.m., 5:20 a.m. (no oxgyen needed), 7:30 (no oxgyen needed, stayed in bed).

Wondering what's going on.  Hoping I'd have some relief the day afer seeds.  REALLY don't have time for these darn clusters now.

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Have the mask ordered and took 30 seeds Thursday.  Clusters are starting a pattern of 9:15 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. and in the mornings when I wake up.

Thursday night I drank the seed mixture and when 9:15 rolled around i had some shadowing and then tingling in the areas of the head with shadows.  Slep til 11:30 and woke up with no pain.  5:30 a.m. woke with K5, fell asleep after it subsided and 7:00 woke up with K7-8 for half hour.

Last night (friday) was bad.  9:15 p.m., 11:30 p.m., 1:45 a.m., 3:00 a.m., 5:20 a.m. (no oxgyen needed), 7:30 (no oxgyen needed, stayed in bed).

Wondering what's going on.  Hoping I'd have some relief the day afer seeds.  REALLY don't have time for these darn clusters now.

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Sorry you got hit bad like that Laura Ann - I've seen the long time busting veterans around here mention that increased CH activity immediately following busting is a known phenomenon, often with attacks significantly subsiding right afterwards. Hoping the the subsiding thing is what you'll be experiencing now!  :o

I hope I'm not being too much of a pestering pest here, but just checking to see what sort of regulator you have on your O2 tank - does it go to 15 LPM? Asking because that's usually considered the minimum LPM for achieving the really effective O2 aborts with optimask (many of us have ordered high flow regulators online).

There's more O2 info here about regulators and stuff if you haven't perused this already:


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Thank you for your concern, it's really appreciated!  Regulator goes up to 15, i've noticed if i just let the shadows and k3-4's hang around and only use red bull, it will subside.

Not sure if the stress of Friday was any factor.  I have been taking care of my dad who finished radiation and chemo for esphogeal cancer.  Took him to surgeon yesterday to schedule surgery when BAM, my poor dad got hit.  Looks like cancer spread to his liver.  That's why it is so important to me to stop this cycle, I need to take care of him, get him in for tests and appointments, etc.

Hopefully tonight will be better, trying to be positive.  Tuesday will be the 5th day and next does.  Should I increase the amount of seeds? (tried 30).  How do I know when to stop dosing, cuz i'm wondering if I should order more seeds, only ordered 100.

Any advice would be appreciated. 

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If the seeds are working, order more. Increase the dosage to maybe 50 seeds, then 70. If you live near a Harbor Freight, you can buy a regulator for $30-$50 that will give you all the volume you can use. Most folks here use 25-45LPM to abort. So sorry about your Dad. It's gotta be really tough to be a good daughter to him while dealing with these damn CHs. Everyone here is pulling for you. Your Dad is very lucky to have you.

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I agree with the above statements made by our esteemed Ron/Bonkers, including the dosage advice  8-)

Sorry to hear about your dad :(, and yes definitely understood why you'd want to really pull out all the stops to end this CH episode ASAP.

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Since there is no way to know if/when the seeds may end your cycle, I agree that you should definately order more seeds.  It would be better to be prepared with a supply on hand than be caught desperate without anything.

I'm sorry to hear your having to cope with so much.  My Dad was also recently diagnosed with espogeal cancer and is currently on his third week in the hospital recovering from surgery.  Hang in there.

Some people only have to bust once to be PF, and others  have to continuously dose just to beat the headaches back to a lower pain level/frequency.  I fall into the latter group, so coping can be tough.  But I'm tougher - and so are you.  Hopefully, yours will be a quick bust.   

Let me know if you ever need a scenario for obtaining welders 02.   ;)   

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Sorry for you Dad. If you do seeds three or four times and no luck I think you may need a bigger hammer.

Good advice above and it is nice not to be alone with CH. Guess I'm a combo(seeds/shrooms) guy after all. Sometimes nothing works.

the bb

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Thanks to all of you for your kind words and support. 

So far so good with the CH's.  Usually wake up to one but not this morning and all my day time shadows are gone.  Still getting hit during the night and will continue with seeds, 50 this time.

You guys are the best!!!!

Kaboom:  Praying for your dad to have a speedy and healthy recovery!! 

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