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Just to be clear, Ricardo, I wasn't passing any judgment on your experience -- just expressing my gladness that I haven't experienced anything more than a little testiness in the 6 months or so that I've been lucky enough to be hanging around here.

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Hy Ricardo. I am sorry that you got treated poorly. I don't know much about it but I will apologize for whoever mistreated you. I have been guilty (only once, and never again) of typing before I thought it through. I guess it happens; but it shouldn't.

Welcome back. I am an A hole too. ;D you and I will be partners. You watch my back and I will watch yours.

As far as I know...that's the way it is for all of us. United we stand, divided we fall.


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No worries....It really was years ago and things seem to have gotten a lot better...Besides, catch me on the wrong day (usually a couple days before I get hit hard) and I'm the Ultimate A-hole!   Not to mention that I'm sure I've rattled off stupid junk before thinking about it enough...I really just wanted to throw my 2 cents in as far as why people might disappear and got off track.  Thanks though Hipshot and CHfather, all the support is appreciated!

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