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Red Pepper Cayenne for Prevention


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The Green Pharmacy book, herbal remedies, suggests taking 1 gram of Red Pepper (Capsicum) capsaicin the active ingredient, 3 times a day to prevent cluster attacks.  Studies showed 50% got complete relief, 40% partial relief, and 10% no relief.

I tried it early this afternoon and haven't had any attacks, which were occurring one every 2-3 hours.

My bottle is Cayenne Fruit from Spring Valley $3.00 capsule form.

Other suggestions from the book are Bay leaves, Feverfew, Willow, Evening primrose, garlic, ginger, Ginko, Thyme, and Tumeric.

Thought I would share.  I will give an update on how the night goes.  Nights are usually pretty bad. 

RC seeds tomorrow.


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Interesting - I may just look into upping my intake of cayenne to 3 grams a day.

What I think I remember reading about cayenne is it has all kinds of health benefits, it doesn't hurt the stomach (and is actually good for the stomach) unless there's an ulcer present.

Pill form's an easy way to go, but it certainly is a nice hot food spicer upper when just eaten!

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Then again, I'm cajun. I'll eat Jalapenos on their own.

But can you do the same with habeneros? 

I can eat them cooked in a meal, but I can't stomach habeneros by themselves.  But then, I remember a cajun gal that would eat habeneros by themselves like candy!


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Then again, I'm cajun. I'll eat Jalapenos on their own.

But can you do the same with habeneros? 

I can eat them cooked in a meal, but I can't stomach habeneros by themselves.  But then, I remember a cajun gal that would eat habeneros by themselves like candy!


I can eat them on their own. They just seem a bit 'warm' to me.

Funny thing is, my Mom can't stand hot stuff. My aunt likes it, but when my Papa was alive, he and I were the only two who could eat whatever I made...because I put too many peppers in it.

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