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Post Dose Weirdness


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I just hit the beast with dose #4, RC seeds. I know that post dose experiences vary quite a bit, usually with an increase in activity and/or intensity. Changes in "type of pain" seem to be fairly common too.

My experience this cycle has been similar. I dose, get about 20 hours PF, then a day of the usual 3-6, sometimes lower intensity sometimes not.  But then I go 3-5 days completely PF. On day 5 or 6 they start to return. At first just a couple low level kinda strange ones then by the next day its as if the cycle is starting all over again.

My question is this; Is the completely PF period of 3-6 days common? I dont recall reading of this experience on the board here.

I am sure seeds are working. And hope todays dose #4 finishes this cycle, cause its the last of my seed supply.

Thanks Ya'll

and ,,, Bust on Busters!


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The same thing is happening to me!  My 5th dose was Tues night and last night had HA for 2 hours at K6-7 and still sore.  Last week was good, no post dose hits the next day, but a few days later I got a pretty weak one, about k-3.  My cycle will be 5 weeks long as of Friday. 

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This is usual to me at least. I get post dose hits for 2-5 days, then i have some days more or less or completely PF, then it starts up

again. Or it can be as you describe it. What i noticed is that when you usually would be dosing, something happens, like a "down" or any CH thing. A change. I found out that waiting through that time is important, i`feel it`s part of the "re set". Maybe that is why stretching with two days is a good idea, as i was told when i started. I started at 3 days, 5, 7 etc. When starting to do bettter. When you should start stretch it out i guess you just have to listen very close what your body tells you, it needs time to adjust. I feel my "real" res come before around twoo weeks. But we work differently :)

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