Clusterbusters is very happy and excited to announce the opening of a very important research study into the genetics of cluster headache.
This study is currently recruiting people for possible participation.
This study is a collaboration between Clusterbusters, Dr. Robert Shapiro, University of Vermont Medical Center, Dr. Guy Rouleau and McGill University.
We are looking for individuals who have received a diagnosis of CH from a doctor, who have at least one immediate family member who also has received a diagnosis of CH from a doctor to participate in the study together. Two (or more) family members must agree to participate.
We are currently contacting individuals that have joined our patient registry or completed a previous Clusterbuster’s survey and have indicated they may be good candidates through their answers and information.
We will be contacting people in smaller groups so it may be some time before we get to you but we will be getting to everyone that is on our patient registry that meets the necessary criteria.
Should you decide you’d like more information, you will be given contact information.
You do not necessarily need to reside in the USA to be a possible participant.
If you wish to be contacted to see if you are eligible to participate, you will need to first be a member of our patient registry.
If you have not already entered your name and information into our registry, you may do so by visiting the following site: