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Get Involved

Giving back to the cluster headache community and helping others can be a profound and comforting way to cope with having this neurological condition. There are so many unknowns and difficulties in reaching the correct diagnosis and best treatment plan, that simply sharing your experience can go a long way in easing someone else’s pain. That’s also true for supportive family members and caregivers. There’s peace in helping those going through the same pains you have experienced. There are a variety of ways to get involved with Clusterbusters, and we’re always open to new ideas on how to engage the patient and medical communities.

Some of the ways you can help cluster headache patients and spread awareness about the severity of this disease include:


Clusterbusters has an annual patient conference every September and a virtual #CureforCluster 5k event each summer to bring people together and share information. We partner with other nonprofit organizations that have activities such as Miles4Migraine and the Coalition for Headache and Migraine Patients (CHAMP). Learn more on our Events page.

Advocacy for Cluster Headaches 

Advocacy takes on many forms, from being your own advocate at doctor’s appointments and pharmacies to joining others online and in-person to raise awareness and change public health policies. Becoming an advocate can be a powerful experience and help you go from “suffering” with cluster headaches to overcoming and fighting back against the attacks. This can be done on social media, at events such as Headache on the Hill, participating in our #CureforCluster 5k, or volunteering at Clusterbusters. Learn more on our Advocacy page and check out our Volunteer Opportunities.

Patient Registry

Signing up on our patient registry is another way you can get involved in the research and awareness of cluster headaches. The straightforward questionnaire allows you to join thousands of other patients who have signed up to help further our understanding of the condition. Learn more on our Patient Registry sign-up page.


A simple way to help further the mission of Clusterbusters in advancing research, advocacy, and awareness of cluster headaches is to donate to our nonprofit. These funds are used in several ways ranging from direct-to-research donations to scholarships for clusterheads to attend events such as our conference and Headache on the Hill to administrative costs that help us continue our work. You can do a one-time donation or sign-up for a recurring donation. Learn more on our Donate page.

These are a few of many options available to get involved with Clusterbusters and helping cluster headache patients. If you have questions or an idea for advocacy, contact us, and check out our forums to connect with others.