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New Forums: Issues & Workarounds

by | Aug 6, 2015 | News

Redirect from Old Forums

The following addresses:
Will now automatically redirect to:
Please update any links, favorites, bookmarks, etc with the new address!


Existing Account Login / Recovery

If you are trying to login with an existing account from the old forums:
1) “Username” is not always the same as your “Display Name”.
2) If you are unable to login using your “Username” and/or “Display Name”, please try your e-mail address and password.
3) If you still cannot login, please try any e-mail address you believe you may have last used or registered from in the “Lost Your Password?” form.
4) If after trying all previous steps you still cannot access your account, please use the Contact Form on our website to report your issue. We will try our best to restore access to your account:


In the event someone is having trouble logging in and/or resetting their account, please see if you can find their Username for them in “Members”.
If you can, please provide usernames to people looking to recover. However, DO NOT publicly post anyones saved e-mail address. If a person cannot access the e-mail account that is registered to their Username/Display Name, they will NOT be able to recover their account and should create a new one.
We will try to do everything we can to help people verify and recover their accounts if at all possible.


Post Counts, Private Messages, Titles/Ranks/Status have all been reset.

We can determine the new Titles, Minimum Posts, and Number of Pips (Dots) for each Titles/Rank together as a community.


Private Messages: Recoverability

We do NOT have readily available access to your old PMs.
If you have an emergency situation that would require access to an old PM, please use the Contact Form on our website to report your issue:
We will try our best to restore access to your PMs on a per-message basis, at our ability and discretion.
