Kelly, I don't think your symptoms rule out migraines. The women thing is, I think,being altered as more women are accurately diagnosed with CH, so that's not a big factor for me arguing that maybe you don't have CH. Aura is somewhat rare with CH -- studies have put it between 2% and about 20% (a big range, I know; I don't really trust the 20% figure, but 2% seems low). Stuffy nose is pretty common with migraine, and so is eye pain. An hour to an hour and a half once would have been considered pretty long duration for CH, but we've definitely seen lots and lots of attacks that long and longer. One distinctive characteristic of CH as opposed to migraine is that people having CH attacks can almost never sit or lay still. Since I'm not a doctor, I'll stop there. You can look up the list of CH symptoms using google, of course. The oxygen might be a good test, since it usually does not help people with migraines much, or at all. The sumatriptan helps both -- most CH meds are hand-me-down migraine meds, but not oxygen.
I don't know about the additional tests you mention, but they sound reasonable. A couple of folks have indeed found pituitary growths that could be managed.