Very nice to find such a large amount of condensed information and many things I need to talk to my doctor about (strategies yet untried) but I was referred to this board by Bryce after he read my artical here: http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff-nation/assignments/share-your-news-and-views/15312259/I-am-sick-not-unemployableabout the struggles of trying to from employment while Suffering from CH.
I was diagnosed with CH 14 years ago after suffering from "headaches" since I was 6 yo's, later when I was 10 the diagnosis was upgraded to migraines but the cycles confused doctor's, CH wasn't a known condition in NZ 24 years ago and was later re-diagnosed as a CH sufferer when I was 20.
My CH induces blindness as an effect due to pressure on the optic nerve as well as the usual effects.
I have tried everything under the sun, available in NZ and now manageable CH for this cycle of 1 bad attack per week using dietary changes and light wavelength blocking (Orange glasses work for me) stress management through meditation (unknown if this is related but helps with depressions as a side effects of inability to find employment) and fitness, again may be unrelated but helps in other ways. I do have a question though and this may have been covered before inside s topic which I haven't had a chance to read through everything yet, Do you guys notice an increasing tolerance for pain, this cycle has lasted so far 8 years (3 per week for first 4 years, down to 1 per week on avg) I guess with the pain level CH induces tolerance is expect but I can accidently cut myself now and not notice, also I have a hobby as a medieval recreationalist in which we fight full contact in armour with Rattan (a very hard bamboo, unarmoured strikes would cause trauma, broken bones on joints) my pain tolerance has risen significantly this last cycle to the point that a hard blow is not felt and I need to rely on the vibration of the armour to indicate impact, I am worried that if this trend continues I will be able to break bones and not feel it.
NZ is a weird place for CH, Oxygen is a mostly unknown treatment of all the times I have been hospitalised I can say Oxygen was only administered once which was recently (end 2015?) mostly I am pumped full of morphine so will be discussing with my doctor the treatments I have found here and showing her the research.
I am very glad this forum exists, I read recently that Isolation is a symptom of CH now as the pain encourages us to withdraw from society, it's good to know we are not alone. PS, I have found that A stronger Ginger drink helps a lot as a attack triggers, if anyone is interested I can add my recipe for Alcoholic malted ginger (brewed) it works really well for anti nausea as well allowing you to avoid over the counter drugs that reacts with other drugs and far more palatable and more effective that ginger tea's (I have found, may not work for other, but works for me) think ginger beer on steroids its very strong.