for quite some time to come...this here is the promise and hope for us cluster heads. This site.
I am a doctor, my father was a doctor. For most of my life I breathed the carbolic acid fumes for air ( really crude way of telling that it was a hospital...and that even if it wasn't the poor Carbolic acid they used to disinfect, the term was "Carbolized" the OR or the ER)
I was in Med school when mine started and I did have the help of some of the best clinicians possible, but yes they were clueless. Not defending them but I did give them the allowance.... CH being a rarity in my country....and in their books.
It was only in 2002 that the main texts of Medicine actually made a mention of CH as an entity, prior to that it was a "cluster variant" of migraine.
Most of their lives GPs and Consultant physicians deal with routine cases which are common with minor variations from case to case. I must accept that my condition does have the morbid predicament of being a rare and complicated problem WHICH needs an individualized approach for a much longer period of time than MOST doctors can afford to offer.
... Livid was how I could have been described as when I first saw it mentioned in the Text book...Livid and relieved. relieved that the arguments were over, hopefuly
I wanted to rush to all my teachers and colleagues and hit them in their faces with the exact page open ( the book of course)
I did not do that
Would not have helped a tiny bit. it would not have changed the demographics of their practice and knowledge.
So I repeat
Unless (and I do not actually wish any ill for my community....communities...both the doctors and the Cluster heads)...but unless a credible number of Neuros themselves start developing our symptoms in their heads and in their lives, we have to keep on supporting ourselves, each other, over here.
I found my relief on these pages and I am deeply thankful.
Been a very long time since I have said anything .
Wishing you all a quick and long lasting relief ..