Injectable triptans. Split them 3/1, or at least 2/1:
D3. Start ASAP.
Energy shots. Drink one at first sign of an attack. 5-Hour Energy is a place to start (easy to chug, lots of caffeine).
Check your triggers:
Benadryl. A lot of folks find that their CH ramps up in high pollen seasons, or from other allergies. "Batch" (one of the great experts) recommends standard dosing of 25mg 3/day and 50mg at night. That'll make you drowsy, but it might help your CH.
Mushrooms and other substances: Read the numbered files in the ClusterBuster Files section
Big compendium: Read Bob's Big Pocket Guide in the ClusterBuster Files section
Your currents meds. What, specifically, are you taking, and how much?
Oxygen. You could set up a system using welding O2 in a few days. ~15-20% of people with CH use it. You can't imagine the difference that O2 will make for you.