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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/2020 in all areas

  1. I am suffering from cluster headache since 2003. Over the years, It was misdiagnosed several times such as: - Weak eye muscels - Dry eyes - Sinus blockage - Tension headache - Psychological (its nothing just you think so you feel it) It occurs to me every 11 months and lasts 15-20 days. I consulted a neurologist only in 2020. Till then, I found an indigenous way to get out of it. When I do intense cardio exercise within a very short interval, the upcoming attack subsides. What I mean is that you get a time window of about 2-4 minutes where the pain is very mild and is only beginning. So, in that window, all you have to do is get your heart rate to about 150 bpm. If you do that, the pain will naturally go away. There are 2 advantages of this treatment: 1. You don’t need to take any steroid or any injection. It is completely natural. And some exercise can never hurt. 2. It releases anti oxidants which uplift your mood. So, you don’t get depressed in that period. One thing to note that if you have missed your window of a few minutes and the pain reaches its peak, the exercise won’t work no matter how hard you do it. Also, I have tried strength training (eg. Lifting weights) in that period and it does not work. Only cardiovascular exercises work. It sometimes does not work if you get pain in the night. This is because in the night you wake up with the pain only when it is strong enough. So, that time window within which you can exercise has already been missed. One more thing I want to share that I have found out by myself is that when you are suffering from pain and you don’t have any other way, engaging in sexual activity proves to be a very nice distraction. No matter how serious the pain, it goes away as long as you are engaged in that activity. Regards Shitiz Bansal Whatsapp-9643753154
    1 point
  2. I wanted to take a second to send a HUGE thank you to this website and it’s moderators. Four weeks ago, after a 15 year absence, my CH returned. And with a pain level I don’t remember. I didn’t know what to do and couldn’t remember my drugs I used to take or if there were even any changes in prevention and treatment. I went to my own general practitioner and as I explained what was going on, he began thumbing through his drug catalog, gave me a referral and that was that. I called the doctor he referred me to and he couldn’t see me until the end of February, clearly (or hopefully) beyond my need to see him. This past week I was in hell. Multiple attacks per night and then attacks while I was at work and driving to work. All I had were triptans at my disposal and those were clearly messing with my cycle, making it impossible to predict and creating multiple attacks per day and night. Wednesday evening, after having three kip 7 or 8 attacks, I found myself in my partners lap sobbing. I couldn’t find someone to help me an I didn’t know how to fix it. That morning, I found the list of recommended doctors on the site. Curiously my referred doctor was not there, but there were three others. One five miles from my home. I called them fully expecting to get the, “we aren’t seeing new patients until later next month”. But instead, after telling her I suffer from CH, she asked me if I was available this morning at 7:00am. Needless to say, my emotion bled through the phone. I felt saved. And this morning I went and met the most amazing people. They knew what CH was. They knew how much we suffer. They told me that CH sufferers always get bumped to the front of the line. They knew of all the current treatments and gave me the options of choosing. And to top it off, at 7:30, I started an attack. The doctor injected me with imitrex, guided me to a quiet room, and let me deal with the beast in private. When I came out, I had a bag of goodies that I had recently paid an arm and a leg for, and several reassuring smiles that made me know, I am in good hands. And I wouldn’t have found it if it weren’t for this site. I am eternally grateful. I don’t know if I found my personal fix, but I found a trusted partner in the process. Thank you.
    1 point
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