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Everything posted by birdman

  1. Best of luck DD!!! Hope the cards are in your favor!!
  2. Hope this finds you well, hopefully able to enjoy your new year!!!
  3. birdman


    I hope you are right!!!! Rock on!!!!
  4. My opinion?? Bust..worst case you bust again five days later. I have busted while using other medications that I could not stop.
  5. Always in my thoughts and prayers. Hope it carries forward for a great 2013!! Happy New Year!!!
  6. Great news Jackie!!! Status quo here and I tested it on New Years Eve with a few drinks. No hits!!! Woop woop!! Let's hope we see some positive pain free days in 2013. Happy New Year!!!!
  7. I can only hope and pray that every single wish comes true. I hope you guys get to enjoy your new year in pain free living. Good luck to each and every Ch'er and their families.
  8. Thanks Jackie!!! Feeling great, nothing at nighttime anymore. Still think the cycle is happening in the background as I still get the one pupil dilated way more then the other. My daughter notices it all the time. We shall see what the new year brings...maybe a dose to put the bitch to bed. Have a happy new year everyone!!!!
  9. Glad to see improvement coming around, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!
  10. From Elly's mouth to God's ears. I hope between maintenance dosing(which I vow to actually do this time around) and Vitamin D3 I hope to keep it at bay for a long time.
  11. Glad to hear from you. Hope you get to enjoy the holidays!!!
  12. Still pain free, some nightime tweeks but nothing serious. God bless this site and our sister site. Without all of you.......I don't even want to guess where I would be. Happy Holidays!!!!!
  13. I have been taking Paxil for around 14 years and I don't think it has interfered too much. It is listed as one of the meds that can interfer but maybe I have been lucky. Hope you are feeling better soon.
  14. Continuing to have pain free days. During the night I get what almost feels like a sinus headache instead of cluster but it is same side only. Clears after walking for about five minutes. I can live with this easily. Convinced there is still some beast activity but the busts and D3 have it beaten down. Hope all are well
  15. Awesome news! Enjoy every pain free moment.
  16. Thinking of you guys and hoping for some relief soon.
  17. Still of, hoping for a fun holiday. Fingers crossed. It's a miracle how things can change in a few days. Happy holidays to everyone.
  18. Great news. Have you read about the vitamin d3? Helped a large number of people reduce the frequency and severity of hits. Just a thought
  19. Hope it has been a better day for you guys!! Thoughts and prayers heading your way!!!
  20. Think I knocked it out last night!!!! Woop woop!!!
  21. Cool. And congrats on your Mets locking up Wright.
  22. Thanks spiny! Hits are definitely less frequent and less severe. Hears hoping one more punch puts it down
  23. Thinking about you guys. Hope things are settling down
  24. Tks folks. Only two hits last night and one this morning. Don't think the weather is helping, rainy and foggy. No trex just caffeine and heat/ice
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