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Everything posted by birdman

  1. Getting slammed at work, can anyone suggest how many seeds to use tonight? Thanks!! >
  2. Glad to see you guys are on a plan, best wishes
  3. Well, pretty bad night started with a strong hit in the early evening and then three nights throughout the night. Almost grabbed the trex on the last one. Almost. Gonna hope to get through the day on red bull and o2 and hit the seeds tonight. Brain is a little foggy but if I remember correct, crush them up and soak in some water. Then drain if stomach issues or gulp it all down. Hopefully no weak moments and give in to trex. Tough to handle while at work. Sorry about the rant
  4. As an aside, see if you can get his bloodwork done and check his vitamin D levels
  5. Well hopefully he sleeps for a good while. I am sending positive vibes your way
  6. Hope the "change" is a good sign of positive things to come. Feel well, trying to send pain free vibes your way, but I am pretty exhausted myself. But trying!!!
  7. Hey spiny, yes you do need to fast for the seeds. I follow same guidelines whether seeds or mushies. The upped dosage didn't seem to do much for other then keep me drowsy through the night hits. Maybe it made them easier to deal with. Not sure, still drowsy and caffeine is having zero effect. Hoping the Vitamin D3 regimen helps reduce some frequency or levels. I pulled out a blood test from May of this year and my Vitamin D was low. It has me hopeful that it might help and it seems to be popular belief that it will not interfere with any busting. I need all the hope I can get right now.
  8. Thanks spiny. Just got back from pharmacy with all my vitamins and some monster. Going to take at dinner and hope to see some relief in the coming days. Trying to keep some sanity and hope that the higher dose of melatonin tonight gets me a few straight hours of sleep. I avoided napping today as I know that would just bring about a hit but started wondering.....I'm getting hit all day anyway, why not nap?? Thoughts anyone???
  9. Well that's got me rethinking hitting the seeds tomorrow. Please keep us posted as to any changes
  10. Thanks red dog. I need some hope right now as I just recovered from my first kip 10 of this cycle. Benn mostly kip 6/7 but this one was tops. O2 wouldn't help, red bull nothing. Heading out to get d3 vitamins and some monsters. Almost jabbed some imitrex but I want to hit the seeds tomorrow night.
  11. I wouldnt be alive if not for the 02 tank I am using at this very minute
  12. Thanks spiny! Didn't take that much melatonin, only 6mg. Terrible night, every two hours I had to hit the o2, thank God it works or I would REALLY be losing my mind, or whats left of it. The seeds finally showed up and I am going to increase my melatonin tonight as well as start Batch's D3 regiment. Hopefully some sleep tonight. BTW - Did I mention I am in the middle of moving my office space to a new suite last week and this week??? Oh yeah, having a ball >
  13. Been a day of ice picks every two hours. Going to go the melatonin route tomorrow and then head to a pharmacy and grab the meds per Batch's protocol. I do go the red bull route but will definitely check out some Monster's instead. Thanks for the tip.
  14. Thanks CHfather!! Might have a lead into a third dose but not looking too promising. D3 is obviosuly easier to obtain but didn't want to interfere with any possible effects from dosing. What are your thoughts on melatonin use??
  15. So, pretty decent night. Up twice but quickly aborted. But again woke up to an hit solely focused on the eye. O2 didn't help. Maybe melatonin will help the nightime and wake hits. Since I used my last dose on Tuesday and the seeds have still not arrived, I may give the d3 treatment a shot if I can. Time to do some research. Any thoughts on that?????
  16. Okay, so I finally did the second dose, 7 days after the first. It was Tuesday night and had some significant visual effects. Slept through the night but upon waking for work, I started to experience and eye throb that I thought was gonna cause my eye to pop. Pain got so intense I almost threw up. Once it cleared I experienced shadows all day and hit the 02. Wednesday night was good again until waking. 02 and I was fine. Never had to do more then one dose but then again, this is the first time I have tried to avoid a cycle from ramping up. Usually been used mid cycle due to unavailability. Thoughts on how this will go??? Also, if I use melatonin, will it interfere?? Thanks and Happy Gobble Gobble!!!
  17. Glad to hear of the positive results!!!!
  18. So sorry to read this, I have been there myself. Hopefully some more experienced folks will come along shortly with some ideas. I am sending pain free thoughts your way!!!!
  19. CHfather- Thanks for well wishes. I did order from tranceplants and it has been over a week. Still nothing. Spiny - thanks for well wishes Looks like tonight is the night, last night got too late by the time I got home. And had a late dinner so it all added up to a bad choice of nights. Tonight is the definite night, no excuses. Good news? - I got the new regulator I ordered from EBAY. Woop woop
  20. Okay, had one complete pain free night Saturday night (though I woke up with a minor hit). Sunday was pretty good, just shadows, other then the morning. Sunday night, got woken three times but all dealt with quickly with O2. Last night was my due date for bust#2 but family situations eliminated the possibility. Hoping tonight is the night. Not easy with a 15 yo son and 11 yo daughter. How do you explain to trip effects to your kids, especially a high school boy who is not a dummy. Wish me luck tonight!!!
  21. It seems more common that it goes that way. I have been fortunate in the past in that it worked quick after only a few post dose hits. This time around it looks like a multi dose is gonna be needed. Everyone has some differences it seems.
  22. Will do, thanks folks. Now, if those damn seeds would get here
  23. Haha, thanks Potter. But if the regulator doesn't have lpm(as in a welders regulator) what are the regulators factoring? psi?
  24. Would I be a fool to throw in a "What is D3" question? Sorry for cluelessness
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