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Everything posted by birdman

  1. Jay, that could be all of us. We are an unfortunate lot who fortunenately have found a great tool. Busting works and works well. Go into it with a great and confident attitude that you are gonna kick its ass and you will. We are follwoing you and sending out positive vibes for great resultd.
  2. birdman


    David - I think it would have to be the Mets since you hooked me up with the regulator. Got to go to my nephews little league all star game tonight. Even though they lost, it was great to be a part of the world again. Jay - I know the detox is hard, I have done a few and feel your pain. Keep your spirits as high as you can and may Saturday get here quick. Love this place!!!!!! ;D
  3. birdman


    Aw comon! It's a classic! ;D
  4. I have felt both sides of melatonin. I have had cycles were it helped with nightime hits and cycles were I feel it made it worse. Either way, it always made getting to sleep a lot easier. Even after waking with hits.
  5. birdman


    Got a pain mgmt follow up today and I am thinking that I dont want them to try anything. Let's keep moving as is. Things are too good right now tto risk messing them up. I think the acupuncture helped with the secondary issues like tension and stress. I do not beleive for a second that it could help with CH. But just getting relief from all the other issues that ch causes might be worth it. God I hope I am on the way back. Love the easy, peezy, lemon squeezie line. Legitimate LOL
  6. birdman


    Woohoo!!!! Slept through the night, 11:00pm-8:00am. What a difference sleep does to the mind and soul. Feel great this morning and going to get some work done, working from home. This feels awesome!!!!
  7. birdman


    Well said madstring. Had another great day and got to go watch two little league games, which I love to do. Brings me back to my childhood. Seems like the neck issue is passing and have had no pulse issues. Whatever it is, I am enjoying some pf time. Time to refuel the sanity!
  8. birdman


    Well, only got out of bed once last night to hit the 02 for fifteen minutes. Not even sure if I needed to but why chance it? Tossed and turned a lot with some neck pain, possibly from previous pred stoppage or maybe stress/tension. Going to see if an acupuncturist can relieve some of the neck tension. My luck it will trigger a full attack but I plan on having detailed discussion beforehand. Also, no pulsating feelings on the left side at all this morning. Have some congestion issues on the right side and pray it has not decided to head back to the right side. Either way, today is better then yesterday which was better then the day before. So I am changing my mood to the first non-negative one in a while. Keep the vibes coming and the calls and pm's are extremely appreciated. There is something cool about signing on and seeing you have a message. Makes you realize that people care. PF wishes to all today!
  9. When anyone says, "maybe you just need to suck it up and stop feeling sorry for yourself" they better duck. My right hook is lethal!
  10. Sending positive vibes and best wishes from the Big Apple for continued positive results.
  11. birdman


    Thanks Dave and Tingleing. Actuially having a pretty solid day. Went vack to the pred taper as of this morning and even before I did I had a feeling that things were changing. The "puose" has mellowed to an ocassional reminder of this weekend. My head has been clearer then it has been in days and no need for 02 all day. Go figure. Maybe I shocked it into something else or maybe the pred is working or maybe two moons collided. Don't care right this minute, just hoping for a solid sleep. It just hit me as I was typing that maybe, just maybe, it was all the positive vibes I was receiving. Hey, you never know 8-)
  12. So jealous. Hope you folks have a great time!!!!
  13. birdman


    Okay, back on the pred at 50mg as of this morning, neck is not as bad as it was and based on the flushed face I can tell the pred is around. The pulsating aches have ebbed as well to a minor background annoyance. Hopefully I can taper correctly and get back to living life. Thanks for everyones well wishes and concerns!!!
  14. Happy!!!!!! Wishing your family some pain free sanity!!!
  15. birdman


    Big big big thank you to Bob B and Donny for taking the time to reach out to me. You guys are true life savers!!!! I love this site and owe all of you a debt that is not easily repaid.
  16. birdman


    Okay, do I go back to 50mg? 60mg? Do I start tonight, tomorrow morning? BTW, this started on Friday afternoon and I was still takign the pred on Friday morning
  17. birdman


    Does everyone recommend going back on the prednisone?
  18. birdman


    I had taken three days worth of pred at 60mg and one day worth at 50mg. Then stopped. Four or five nights of 500mg depakote and stopped. Right now, it almost feels as if it is not CH. The only similar trait is the cyclical like spikes every few hours. Other then that it feels as if the vessels on my left side are ready to pop. And my pupil dilation on that side is like a pulse. Also, the pain is constant but has a pulse like quality. Very strange.
  19. birdman


    Since Friday afternoon, I have had a constant shadow that elevates at times through the day. Nothing seems to get rid of it. Have used trex, 02, red bulls, sputs, capcasin spray. Nothing provides any signifigant relief. Always comes racing back and angrier then when it left. It is extremely vascular in that I can locate veins throughtout my head where it hurts. Gave up on the preventative meds after Friday. Due to trex, can't dose till Thursday at best. That's if I can hold off till then. Any suggestions? Anything that I haven't tried?????
  20. If I am correct, the "advantage" (depends on who you ask) is there are no halluciantions. It removes the psychedlic effects. Do not quote me as 100% on this. Hopefully some much brighter individuals will be along shortly.
  21. birdman


    I have used crushed seeds as a sput and recall it being very helpful. Wasn't sure if it would work will using medicines. Or while detoxing. Thought it might come in handy as I have enjoyed the last few nights rest.
  22. birdman


    Just got wolloped with a full blown k10. Wasn't close enough to the 02. By the time I go there, it was too late. Avoided the trex and fought a long one. Spike is still in my eye. Does anyone know if a sput of rc seeds would help during detox?
  23. birdman


    Thanks for the support bob. I am only on my fourth day of pred. Started at 60mg for first three days and 50 mg this morning, just realized I need to adjust my timing for todays pred. That means wednesday.
  24. birdman


    Thinking about saying the hell with the pred and see what the depakote is doing on its own. If anything. Have been able to string together a couple of nights sleep using trex so maybe it is time to refocus my thoughts on detox and going back at the mushies. Assuming 5 days for 500mg of depakote, trex/zomig. Last taken at 11:30 pm last night takes me to Tuesday night for detox. Then either 60 rc seeds, or second to last available dose of mushies. Probably go with the mushies. Thoughts, complaints, recommendations? Gonna be a tough weekend without trex/zomig as I am out most of the weekend. Oh boy, what the hell am I thinking????
  25. How does one go about getting involved in these studies? Are they selected by researchers, committee?
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