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Stump BeefKnob

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Everything posted by Stump BeefKnob

  1. Just out of curiosity, what kind of beer is it? Sorry, I am a total beer snob
  2. So far, I think the evidence gathered in this thread clearly shows that all of us get cluster headaches. I can't believe that I am the first to notice this commonality! This might be worth looking into more
  3. I hope this works for you! Have you tried unsuccessfully to dose with RC or HBWR seeds?
  4. It hasn't been a regular trigger for me, but I do remember one cluster that was exacerbated by hard alcohol. Beer is always good for what ails (ales) you though
  5. That would just be evil on God's part! ;D
  6. For what it's worth, I have found HBWR seeds to me much more effective than RC seeds. This is just my personal experience
  7. I am 31 years old, and started getting episodic CH at age 17. I am 6'1" and weight about 210 at the moment, but range anywhere from 185 to 220 from month to month I used to smoke from age 18-23, was a pretty heavy drug user during that same time (marijuana, coke, mushrooms, acid, alcohol, meth, etc...). Never had any head traumas and there is no family history of CH or even migraine. I do drink alcohol socially at the present time, but have not used illegal drugs in about 8 years. One thing that I always wondered was whether my use of anabolic steroids at age 17 contributed to my getting CH. I was told by the guy I got them from that I may get headaches as a side effect, and began getting CH shortly afterwards. I attributed their onset to the steroids, and have wondered since whether there was any sort of correlation. No surgeries to speak of, except for repair of my glenoid labrum, clavicle, and rotator cuff from an injury suistained in a jiu-jitsu competition about 2 years ago. It had nothing to do with headaches though. I have suffered from some depression and have been diagnosed with Adult ADHD, but am not on any sort of medication for treatment Other than that, I have been extremely healthy
  8. You always start with the HBWR seeds, if you wanted to
  9. Welcome! I am also new to this site, as well as clusterbusting, and a couple of weeks in I have found the HBWR seeds to be sent straight from heaven. I only hope that you find the success that I have so far! Keep us posted
  10. I went 5 days before I got a headache, and have not had another one since then.
  11. I'm looking for suggestions for a good neurologist here locally and finding out what your particular triggers might be.
  12. I ordered from them, and the shipping was SUPER fast. However, the seeds did not seem very potent in terms of LSA. I had about 25-30 of them, ground up and soaked in wine, and barely felt any different. This is in contrast to the 5-6 HBWR seeds that I got from Iamshaman, prepared the same way, which had got me pretty messed up. No headaches since dosing with the HBWR seeds though!
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