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Stump BeefKnob

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Everything posted by Stump BeefKnob

  1. Dang, I wish I would have ordered one of those kits instead of buying everything separately.
  2. Feel free to PM me with any questions you have, and I will do my best to answer them for you
  3. Can you upload it for the rest of us? I haven't been able to find it anywhere yet. Fileserve works best for me
  4. I usually grind them up into powder and mix it with something like V8 and then chug it. It probably wouldn't do anything for the nausea you get, but it masks the taste pretty well
  5. Haha, that is what my head feels like when I get hit So Dan.....are you in a cycle now? I assume that the footage they showed was a real hit? Did you intentionally not bust before your cycle so that you could illustrate the suffering you endure? God bless you if that is the case. Actually, God bless you regardless
  6. Surely you aren't saying that the media sometimes puts a their own spin on things?!?! Actually, your response is kind of what I figured. How strange that you get so nauseous. I have never had that happen before. Regardless, thanks again for putting yourself out there for the sake of the CH community. These days you must be fighting off hordes of fans everywhere you go and constantly dodging women's panties being thrown at your head. You are the Justin Bieber of Cluster Headaches now
  7. Great special overall though. I was hoping the segment dealing with CH and mushies would have been a little longer, but I am pleased with the exposure and felt like it was a compelling piece. Thank you again, Dan and Leanne. It was very brave of you to take part in this
  8. Dan, I am curious what it is that makes you so nervous about taking the mushies. You mentioned how much you hate it, and Leanne also stated that she was against it but supported you in doing them, but I was wondering why you felt that way about them. Just from my personal experience, I have found them to be rather enjoyable when dosing and have not had any nausea from them. Also, with the safety record of using mushrooms I would think that there is no reason to worry or fear taking them. Would you mind explaining why you guys feel the way you do? Not that I think you are wrong, but I was surprised to hear about some of your concerns
  9. I can't wait to watch this when I get home from work
  10. I saw that. I had set up monthly donations through Causes but it only worked the initial time, and never monthly afterwards. Yesterday I set up recurring donations through Paypal, so hopefully it is more reliable
  11. Merry Christmas to all of you amazing people! God bless you and your families You'll be in my prayers Renee
  12. I can't wait for this conference! Is it really a Friday/Saturday though?
  13. Is it getting hot in here? lol
  14. Actually, overexertion is a trigger for me when I am in cycle and have brought on attacks with my raucous lovemaking
  15. I have tried sex to abort a headache with little success. Perhaps I should try with another human being next time. lol
  16. Great stuff! Thank you all for the hard work you put into this!
  17. I talked to a (almost) dentist about it, who also happens to be my wife
  18. If it is working for you, I say keep it up! As for me it seems that my cycle is busted thanks to the wonderful folks here at clusterbusters. When you say you developed an allergic reaction to seeds/shrooms, what do you mean by that? What's your hobby?
  19. Welcome Gord! You will not find a better, more supportive group of people!
  20. Does anyone know if all of the donation goes to Clusterbusters? Or does Causes.com take a portion? Also, there is a great option using Causes.com to set up monthly donations
  21. I live about 5 hours outside of Vegas in the Phoenix area. Not sure if I can be of assistance, but don't hesitate to ask if you need anything!
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