up date dhs has stopped working our case we got help for our family and no issues pursued about the vit m sent to be evaluated for addiction and substance abuse was told we will call you for conclusion and report next week it has been about two months now no answers. So all is good
Hi yes I use to dive the travels trigged mine but the diving itself I don't think so. My user name is from diving if your bubbles are not going up your dead. So my bubbles go up. I dived in Cozumel Mexico. Three trips.
The caseworker says seems to be understanding I talked with her today. They want me to do the evaluation and had me sign a hand written note that there will not be any illegal substances used in the home. I can not get a neurologist til next summer. I did tell the case worker that I don't even require it now. She stated she is for what ever helps but she still has her job. I am mentally well because of busting. So the evaluation should go fine. Maybe I am dumb but I want them to know it works after so many years of bullshit Doctors and ER visits. Only one ER this year as opposed 20-30. I am sticking to Advocating and Education. I know of a local lawyer who was a president for Norml here locally. Thinking he maybe needed not sure yet.
Having a lot of teen issues working with the courts and DHS. Revealed my CH s and treatment and now they want me to prove I am mentally well not drug abuser. I am mentally well thanks to busting. I am at a point show me who is justified in our situation they drug companies or us. I guess DHS will report to the courts and shit will hit the fan I don't think I could survive jail With CH's Maybe I'll be one of the first through the courts.
First time I have seen my cakes during fruiting stage develop fluffy white bellows with crystals like. Any thought is it good or bad. I do have one mushroom growing though. Thanks
Well that tells me I should have listened to someone here who told me to bust other things. I am now planning to treat more regularly and include my wife. Looks like it saved our lives will continue to improves our lives.
I picked up the book and will being reading., My above actually occurred in April. It has taken me this long to process it all, be ok with it and share it. I had to realize I want to live for me. In order for me to see mine and others futures. Still very good management of CH's.