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  1. I am a migraine sufferer which I treat the same way the folks here do their clusters (except for oxygen and imitrex injections, don't use those). For what it's worth, they always strike on the left side, focused mainly behind my eye.
  2. Fabac - Thanks for the entertaining and pertinent post. I was touched that your neighbor, block head that she can be, came around and gave you flowers! I have a lump in my throat...
  3. Very interesting. Thanks for sharing this CHfather. Good news on the reduction in number of migraines, Moxygirl!!
  4. Saw this and found it interesting. I am seeing more and more of this type of research with positive results when used in patients with mental illness: http://www.alternet.org/drugs/further-proof-psychedelic-mushrooms-could-help-keep-you-sane
  5. I think you would have had more than a few people doing whatever we could to help you out.
  6. Wow B.G. Thank you for your profoundly moving post and the incredible pictures. Now I know I HAVE to go to the next one. Dan - Glad to see you here!!
  7. Hi Libertas, You may be aware of this, but psilocybin is also effective in the treatment of migraines. Research is finding it could help with PTSD and I have heard it might also help with depression.Â
  8. Wow. That brought more than a few tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing.
  9. Thanks for posting this link. I've read the first few paragraphs and am finding it very interesting. It would be great for people who are hesitant to use the busting method of treatment due to fear of a mental break down of sorts as a result of using psychedelics. Or... a family member who may be reluctant to support this.
  10. This painting is frightening and hauntingly beautiful all at the same time.Â
  11. MG, You are one strong woman!
  12. Moxiegirl, What a vivid description, amazing. Thank you! I have migraines so have not experienced what you describe but my heart aches for everyone with CH, especially those without the help offered here. I am bookmarking this page so I can share your description with any of my friends or acquaintances who do not know the hell of CH.
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