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Everything posted by HeadacheRelief

  1. Dear BostonHeadacheDoc, It is wonderful to have a health professional working on our behalf. Thank you!! I would love a copy of your review and will be PMing you if that is okay. I have migraines but have found the busting, vitamin D regimen and other suggestions found in this website to help far more than any pharmaceutical I had been prescribed to this point. I am wondering, too, if Ketamine might be helpful for migraines. I am thinking yes but am not hopeful that any physician in my area would prescribe this for headaches. I would like to show your review to my PCP though, maybe, some day, perhaps.... Carlos, I love your posts. They are consistently well thought out, interesting informative and funny, too. And hey, thanks for sayving the "verse!"
  2. Birdman, That is really great news. I am very happy to hear you are maintaining a string of PF days. I hope this continues well into the new year and beyond!!
  3. Wow Jackieblue. Not encouraging and I live in the deep south where, I am sure, medicine is behind NYC by a good decade. Plus, what I bust with is not as easy to talk about with, if you know what I mean. I, too, have decided not to take any conventional pharmaceuticals and actually feel better than I have in a long time. It's unfortunate that conventional medicine is narrow minded and not open to a method that so clearly works extremely well for a lot of folks. I guess if we are not supporting the big-name pharmaceutical companies, we are noncompliant rebels, God forbid. Thanks!
  4. Hello, I was wondering if folks here tell their doctors about their busting and how well that goes. I am reluctant to for obvious reasons. I like my primary care physician A LOT. Over the years we have established a patient-physician relationship where I trust her and can tell her pretty much anything. Years ago I let her know about topamax for prophylactic treatment of migraines and she prescribed that for me which was a huge help. [i don't take it any longer since my headaches are basically gone since busting regularly.] When I saw her recently for an unrelated medical issue the usual questions and review of the meds I am on came up and I let her know I was no longer taking Pristiq, still taking Maxalt but very rarely and that I was finding great success with more natural treatments, i.e., the vitamin D regimen. I didn't go into Vitamin M. I think she would be receptive, though with a healthy skepticism, to busting but am paranoid about having that info in my patient chart. I know that legally this info is supposed to be confidential but I work in the medical field and know what can happen in spite of this. I had thought about giving her the link to this web site. What do you think?Â
  5. Woohoo!! That is great news. I am so happy for you.
  6. Good to know about the Jet Dry. How much do you use? Haven't gotten to the point of making a spore syringe yet but hope to in the future. Thanks!
  7. I believe you do not use Karo when making "spore" syringes. They only need sterile water. Karo is used mixed in water to inoculate a jar with spores and create liquid culture [LC]. You need a lid with a self-sealing type material over one hole which you inject into and out of and another larger hole for gas exchange covered with any number of materials for sterility purposes and to allow the gas exchange. All of this must be done under as sterile conditions as you are able. The advantage to LC is it speeds up the process of consolidating your grow medium. The disadvantage is you cannot see if there are contaminants in your LC jar. I have an LC going now but so far nothing is showing in the jar. One should see mycelium, white fluffly looking stuff in a matter of days to a couple of weeks. I may have a contaminant which explains the lack of growth in my jars. There are several Teks [instructions] on the shroomery web site about spore syringes and LCs. Again, I am by no means a pro but have learned a lot on the shroomery site. Thanks!
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