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Everything posted by Perediablo
I hate Dopeymax. I was on it for almost 3 months. No appetite, no sex drive, stupid, and suicidal. What an awesome drug...yeah right. STAY AWAY!!! Leave it for epilepsy as it was intended. Pharmaceuticals are not cool. There isn't a man-made drug that is good for you. Listen to these wise folks here. I did and I'm much better off now. Read all you can and learn-up about them there seeds n stuff. HEre's hoping for pain free! Eric
Happy Birthday!
Yeah it's sub-q. Doesn't hurt at all in the cheek. Was the rear joke at the end too much? I thought it might be a little too low-brow, but went for it anyway. Just to lighten up the story a bit. My sleep schedule has been all jacked up as of late. What with a new kiddo being born AND school to boot. I thought I'd skip my last maintenance dose 'cause everything was going so well. So much for that little test. Maybe I can get my sleep in order a little bit and re-dose next weekend. I hope so. I really hate the after effects of 'trex.
I was sitting in Psychology class just minding my own business and taking notes, and this bastard creeps up my spine and smashes my left eye. I suppose I should've known by the stiff neck and sore jaw that something was amiss. In my fervor for knowledge the signs slipped my mind. Now I must quietly pack up my things and exit the room to stares and whispers all the while my left eye is watering, and swelling shut. the Kip would put it about 7 or so; instant hell. I found the nearest vending machine and what to my watering eyes should appear but shiny black cans of the glory that is Monster Energy drinks. I purchase the concoction and drink it with the ferocity of unheard of proportions. After the passing of 30 minutes or so the beast has yet to relinquish it's grasp on my brain. I begin to panic. After all, I cannot drive now, and the walk is 15 minutes to my car. In my now harried and worried state I begin to rummage through my satchel only to find another surprise. Imitrex. With all haste I make for the nearest restroom. To my horror, both stalls are occupied. I load my injection, shed all morals, dignity, and decency and drop my pants near the sink. While injecting myself in the ass cheek someone leaves a stall and rounds the corner to the sink and just stares at me. I give him the watery evil eye as I pull up my pants. Headaches now subsiding, I find myself in the courtyard of the art school explaining CH to a stranger that has just seen my ass. Was quite the ordeal to go through to educate someone about our hell, but in "hind sight" it was worth it. Eric
Nope. It's my 3rd. 2 boys and now a girl.
Madeleine Elaine was born at 3:07pm today. She weighed in at 6lbs 8oz and 20.5 inches long.
I think I can field this question. It is in San Diego, which sports the mildest climate in the continental US. Pretty paradisey-ish. 8-) Ahh, I wasn't aware of the location. I have been to San Diego multiple times thanks to the Navy. I do like it there. I spent my time on Coronado Island. It was lovely.
If you must know, I attend Texas Tech University. I don't have too many liberally slanted educators believe it or not, even in the school of art. At least if they are, they are really good at remaining objective and silent about it. I have found a few fellow students that are here for an education and not a social event. Would you believe they are all over the age of 30 like me? I agree there is a lot of blame to be placed on parents and teachers for letting these kids slide through life by doing the least at the lowest possible effort. I've had to ask students to be quiet so many times all ready. They just chat all around me like it's a party or something to the point of drowning out the professor. Passing notes like junior high is rampant. I have been accepted into a very hard and lucrative degree program. It was very competitive and tons of people weren't accepted or had a break down and dropped. These "kids" are in this program and appear as if they don't care about anything. I think I can point out the ones that will fail at this point. Communication Design is very sought after program here. Maybe these people should pay attention or drop so some that were not accepted initially can get in. Maybe they'll all end up designing billboards for a sausage company. That would make me smile. Is that mean?
Well. The daily grind of senseless asinine classes on someone's opinion of a matter that matters not has begun. I have been anticipating this day the entire summer in hopes that the second year at this institution would be less of an affront to my sensibilities; this has been denied yet again. At least there are the advanced level art courses to relieve my frustrations at the "younger" generation. I was of the ilk that people seeking higher education might not be of this "give everything to me" generation, and once again I stand corrected. I am much older than the average student here, and I can see clearly the lack of parenting, morals, and dedication instilled in these "children" (for lack of a better word). It literally blows my mind to think that they didn't have to earn anything they have obtained. Even the high school education they supposedly got was just handed to them. English and Literature do not go hand in hand in today's schools. One individual in my art class didn't know who Charles Dickens was, nor Ernest Hemingway. They were not required to read anything. Let's strive for mediocrity! All hail normalcy! No child left behind! How about you take that iPhone that mommy bought and shove it deep in a cavity that I can't mention without being edited and learn to speak english.[is this newest slang actually the way people speak to each other?] EVERYONE gets a trophy here! Thanks for playing now go home and read a book! No Wait! It'll be a movie in 5 years no need. Pffft! Take a good look around you folks. The deterioration of our society has begun. Who's to blame? I'll leave that to the one's better suited to figuring these problems out, but I can guess and laugh at stupidity. Education is lost. my $0.02 Eric
Holy enchiladas batman! That sounds like a pretty awesome idea to me. I'd be down for a trip south as soon as school's over. I'll start saving pennies now!
Hey Ron, wanna trade houses for a month? j/k Your place looks wonderful. Like lenny said...peaceful and serene, can't think of better words for it. Is the weather there tolerable? I ask because it looks just like west Texas off the caprock in some of the canyons here, and the weather here is hotter and drier than a popcorn fart.
Wow! Both awesome tracks! Dead Skin Mask is definitely classic. Saw them on tour last summer for the 3rd time. First time was in 1986 South of Heaven. Just saw Megadeth earlier this year on the R.I.P. anniversary tour with Exodus and Testament. One awesome show. Glad to hear there's another metal head in this nasty CH world. rock on \m/
Some really good tunes here! I hadn't thought of the FBB in ages! The music I really enjoy the most is the polar opposite to all these posts so far. I will post a stellar example of my favorite music, but I doubt anyone will enjoy it as much as I do. I was a young'n when this stuff hit big time, so it's stuck in me like nothing else can. Slayer "Seasons in the Abyss"
I just found out that Apria has been billing my insurance $800 per month. I had only been paying $29 every month. I was told this was a tank rental and filing thing. Not too terrible to pay $29 to be assured I will always have an M tank full and ready at my disposal. This is not the case. There is a $300 charge pending on my checking account that I did not approve, nor was aware of. It is from Apria. I called my local Apria store number..LOCAL..and was rerouted to India for fuck's sake. This guy barely spoke English. He says that it has been on my account since early 2009 and that it was time that I took care of it. So, he is in charge of when and how I pay my bills? He also asked that I pay him another $150 over the phone via credit card. He failed to understand that the pending charge + $150 was $450. He stated that the charge was due to me not meeting my deductible. Wait!! my deductible? Now he works for my insurance company? He then asks me if the oxygen concentrator is working for my COPD. When I explained that I had only a measly $200 oxygen cylinder that has been billed to my insurance company at $800 a month for 3 years he shut up and put me on hold. He came back in 5 minutes and said that my balance is now $0 and that I owe Apria nothing. And that I would be receiving a monthly statement showing a $0 balance. Hmmm...sound pretty fishy to me. I am getting ready to go to the local Apria office to explain to them what has happened, and that I no longer require their services. Does anyone know where I can purchase an M tank? Welding supply houses here will not sell to an individual for some reason. I gave them a copy of my prescription even..they said I had to go a medical supply company. If individuals cannot buy a tank, then how to private welders operate? This is beginning to make me want to do some pretty rash things. There has to be someone in west Texas that will sell me a freakin tank. I really hate dealing with stupidity on such a massive and wide-spread level. I am going to start educating people with a baseball bat in about 1 hour. Hope y'all have a wonderful day. PS I haven't even used my O2 in like 2 weeks. That was for a little pesky shadow. Woot!! Since April only 3 hits and they were minor. You guys rock! O2-less, Eric
Hey there. I too was in a bad way once or twice. This site and all of the people here helped me in ways I can't relate. I am forever in their debt for their sound advice, direction and for just being there to listen. Pay attention to their words, they'll point you in the right way. You are all ready on the right track. Just keep reading and learning, and soon you will know more than 98% of all doctors on the subject. Here's a link to a document you can print and give to your boss, and anyone else concerned. http://www.ouch-us.org/downloads/ch_syndrome.pdf I hope you find some relief
Wish I could be there this time. Hope y'all have a lot of fun. Have a bowl of that kick ass bean soup for me!
what kind of O2 tank do you have? I may be able to find a regulator that can spit out 25lpm for ya. There are usually some on e-bay for relatively cheap. I bought mine from Flotec. It was a little pricy, but well worth it. It ranges from 0-60 lpm, and has a Diss fitting to go with demand valve in the future. it's CGA-540(nut and nipple) fitting, which means it's for the bigger tanks (M and up). We'll get you set up. O2 roolz, Eric
Led Zeppelin's Over the Hills and Far Away is awesome!!! edit: it took me forever to type that.
Well, I did it. Had my portfolio review last week. Received my acceptance letter this afternoon to the school of Communication Design here at Texas Tech University. Now that I can relax, I expect a couple of destressified cluster hits. This weekend is all about the first bust. Clear mind(although a little excited) will be ready. Anyone seen my Black Sabbath records? muuahaaahahaha Eric