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Everything posted by shaggyparasol
Yes Jay, I agree that Johnny looks hot out in front of the man-truck. I concur Johnny about doctors and doctor visits. Never saw one, don't intend to. Don't have enough cash to throw away at that world even with my crappy insurance. 26 years into my CH experience and super successful psilocybe busting is good enough for me. Thanks for the update Raquel. I am always curious about people's success with different techniques and the more we share the more info we can pass along to others. Prozac and busting ey? Maybe we should start a thread of people's experiences on that medicine and the seeds?? Wonder if anyone else is having the same experience?? Also be interesting to see (for you, I am not prying) whether you can skip the prozac once you successfully bust. Or if you could do it before for a more successful bust?? Either way, check carefully into the psilocybe use with various conditions. There are times when the mushrooms are supposed to make certain conditions worse. > Have a nice cluster-free day people! --Shaggy
Yea Dave-o, this stuff takes time to figure out so just keep plugging away and in a year or so you'll be the sharpest tool in the shed. It really takes some personal experience to figure it out for yourself. The more you read on the 2 sites the quicker you'll get up to speed and the quicker you can have access to pain relief when needed. Kind of fun sometimes too. I have become a naturalist/herbalist over the years and it is very interesting which plants and fungus have synergistic effects with the humans. --Shaggy
All right! Who else?? --Shaggy >
Hey everyone, why are all ya'll in such long active cycles? Is everyone busting and not working? Anywho, Dave-o, a couple of things: The real experts on the pharmaceuticals seem to reside at www.clusterheadaches.com our sister site. There is some crossover between here and there but most of them are well versed in the prescription meds, doses, side effects etc. Some people here are too I bet, but that is more the CH.com thing. Oxycotin/pain killers usually not super effectice for us. The caffeine in excedrin is the useful ingredient. If taken super early in the attack, you can sometimes alleviate the pain. But skip the aspirin and acetamenaphin (or whatever the ingredients are that don't work) and just get the caffeine via coffee, soda, redbull etc. Most people swear by the taurine in the energy drinks, for me the caffeine alone works wonders if taken before the attack. People take melatonin an hour before bed if they tend to get woken up during the night with a crusher. Oxygen works wonders. All this can be read in more detail on the clusterheadaches website. Now on to the good stuff. If you don't have access to the psilocybes, just order some RC seeds and go with that. They work for most. The mushrooms tend to be more powerful, but the seeds are easier to get, depending on where you live. Regardless of what you decide to do, it will be up to YOU, not your doctor or us as to what you want to do. You should no longer accept the pain as there are many ways to manage it. But it takes some time tofigure it out. Good luck, stick with it. 26 years for me and I think I am finally figuring out the pain management stuff. > --Shaggy
Hi everyone. Angel, have you been using the caffeine or redbulls to their full effectiveness?? Could take the edge off enough to help the detox. Also melatonin at night?? Does anyone know if melatonin is a blocker?? I think it is not. These might buy you some detox pain relief, enough to get the busters meds in your hubby. Plus the higher flow rate O2. I agree with going bigger on the psilocybes (mushrooms). It may take a bit of a jolt to break the chronic thing. Depending on his experiences with the medicine. Too much could be a crazy ride. But if you tried 1 gram and not much happened, you can up it from there. The problem is that you have to take enough to break the pain to make the detox bearable but not too much to go for too big of a ride. But then again, if the pain is that bad, go for a bigger journey and make sure you are in a good place to do it. I have had great experiences on a secluded beach and forests. 2 -2.5 grams seems like what I would try, but research it a bit. I don't know your experience level, but my first busting try was my first time with the psilocybes. I had my girlfriend watch over me to make it a safe space. No phone calls or interruptions until I could see how deep I was going. Helped a lot, made me feel comfortable and relaxed. Good luck!!!! --Shaggy
David: you can stay in my extra room if that helps. I live a few miles from the conference and have a futon on the floor that is usually comfortable. Everyone else: If people are arriving a day or so early, maybe I will put together a hike in the very scenic Columbia River Gorge. Or if it is hot, we can do some swimming. It would be a shame to visit the great northwest during the summer and not get out and about a bit. So let me know if people are into it and we will do some fun outdoor stuff. I can take Thursday and Friday off of work, maybe Monday too?? Great local brewerys around also for those not in their cycle. I am ok with people using this thread to make plans if everyone else doesn't mind. Might be fun to keep it in the open intead of PM's so people know what is going on and can join if they want. --Shaggy
Howdy agent. Didn't read your post but all you can do is give others your thoughts and let them decide for themselves. Then th ey can choose what is right for them. Some people need a doctor to tell them what to do. When they have had enough side effects they may come here and check out the natural meds. Hang in there daddy-o. --Shaggy
Hey guys, I was in a hurry this morning when I wrote and wanted to add some stuff. You may already know this but day trips are good and yes, there are always faces in the trees. There are other things about the trees that we don't normally see too. A deciduous forest in the winter during the day is a fascinating place! I learned many things about the woods during my December/January cycle a few months ago. By week three (3 doses to bust) I was kind of sick of my psilocybe friends and decided to stay in, meditate and listen to music. I focused on the medicine and my gratitude to the fungus for helping me. I also had some Native American flute music on which really found its way into my body. I could feel the fluid and energy leaving my face and head at one point. Then I got cold as the cluster left my body. I knew my cycle was over. My last maintenance dose I could barely feel and it seems to have cleared the shadows for now. I will do the same the next time I feel daily shadows for 5-7 days. About every 1 1/2-2 months so far. Good luck gentlemens! --Shaggy
Hi Scotty. My understanding (2 years of busting mostly successfully) is that it is the effect you want, not necessarily the weight. So if you are tripping pretty hard on 1 or 1.5 grams, that should be good. Busting is harder during the cycle as everyone says so it may take several doses. Some psilocybes are more potent. I think most people here are taking cubensis because that is more of the 'home grow' strain. Wild collectors may be getting cyanescens (potent) here in the northwest r liberty caps etc etc. So I think stick with what you are doing and don't worry as much about what it has taken others. Unless it doesn't work for you over 3-4 weeks that is. I don't weigh mine at all, so I can't tell you what weight it takes me. 6-10 little mushroom dudes is what it takes me depending on my cycle timing. Good luck daddy-o! Don't forget to enjoy the ride while you are there. I have plenty of friends who think I got the clusters so I would experience the psilocybes. That is of course after I tell them that the psilocybes have changed my life and the way I see the world Life is much better now. --Shaggy
Yep, 3 hours of crazy, I can only imagine what the conference in August will be like (googly eye guy for emphasis). Yes, I'll have to call Saxman and tell him that you were my first. He'll be mad. It was very nice to meet and chat a while. Hoping your beach trip was nice. --Shaggy
My parents always told me that daily masturbation as a teenager causes headaches. So I guess that is what happened. --shaggy ps, I take no responsibility for that remark. My internal dialogue has been taken over by a demon who made it into my outer dialogue. > Please send all complaints to OUCH UK.
Yep, that kind of stuff makes me angry and sad. I send my sympathies to his family. --Shaggy
Hey Tony! Hang in there daddy-o, we can beat this thing down to a low roar. A couple thoughts to start with: your kid may get them and he may not. If he does, your experience will dramatically change his. He won't have to suffer in pain for 20 years like so many of us before figuring out things like oxygen or psilocybes or caffeine/taurine etc.. I know it is embarrassing and it is hard to explain to people who have no idea what you are talking about. What's the saying? "only a mediocre man is always at his best". Sometimes we are down for the count and that is OK. Most of my friends, family and coworkers now know about my CH and many of them know that I psilocybe to manage the pain. Anywho, check out clusterheadaches.com too if you haven't already. Lots of great info there. Look into the melatonin/kudzu herbs that people are doing with some success. Lets the night-timers sleep. Sorry you have to be here, but stick with us we are an ok group. --Shaggy ps, I'm 44, when do I grow out of them?
Can't wait to meet all you crazy clusterheads in my hometown! Let me know what I can do to help with the conference?? > --Shaggy
What Tingeling says goes for me too! When do we organize and go for legalization? Too much evidence to discount the effectiveness. Count me in! > --Shaggy
Yes, I believe I am FunGuy! Wouldn't miss it. Have never met a clusterhead before, although Saxman and I keep threatening to meet up somewhere around Portland. Psilocybes are my new best friend and they work as advertised by everyone here. AND, given all the posts I read here and on the other site, I bet as a group we will be totally over the top and nutty! 8-)(sunglass dude for emphasis). Let me know if you need help from a local boy for the conference. Don't know how wild these things get, but got a few tent spots in the backyard too. > --Shaggy
hey everyone. Just got on real quick to make sure this link works. I have been getting a 'down for updates' type message when I just try coming here. Is this site getting an update?? Don't yell at me if I am computer illiterate, just checking. And people at CH.com haven't been able to get here. or more specifically clusterbusters.com doesn't work but http://clusterbusters.clusterheadaches.com/ does. Check it out fellow clusterheads. --Shaggy
Hi Jeff. I'll have to monitor my dreams better next cycle, sounds interesting. I too was drug tested for a majority of my career and knowing what I know now, I would take the natural plant medicines for my CH's anyways. Just me. I haven't ever taken the pharmacuetical stuff so many people take. They always seem too hardcore and not always effective. I have either been able to control with caffeine or I get hammered and have a bad hour once a day for 2 months. I have read a lot of anthropological research on some of the psychoactive plants and fungus and that has changed my mind on the stigmas that surround some of these. There are some good stories of the Mexican Shaman and the psilocybes in healing rituals. Not quite the recreational teenage drug that we see them as in the U.S. Or maybe the tea you drink at the Phish concert?? There is a real healing culture around plants in all of the world, so the fact that some of these work so effectively on our heads is quite logical. The willow tree, salix/salicillic(sp) acid is where aspirin comes from. Got a headache, chew on the bitter bark of a willow. Pacific Yew tree (Taxus brevifolia) is where anti-cancer drug Taxol came from. Psilocybe is where the anti-cluster headache medicine psilocin comes from. Makes perfect botanical sense. We just all think they are for teenagers to party with. I should add that I never tried the mushrooms until in my 40's as a response to my cluster's and had never planned to until I read the large number of posts here claiming relief. No brainer after that. Good luck!! --Shaggy
There are several different psylocibes species. Cubensis seems to be the one people usually propagate from store bought spores. I believe it is a warmer weather fungus so it depends where you live as to whether it could grow locally. As always with any mushroom make a positive identification. I also would dose base on the local knowledge (your shroom trippin friends) so you don't mis-id and take too much. Lots of look-alikes for many mushrooms, some poisonous or more potent than others. Always be smart with wild mushrooms! careful and good luck. --Shaggy