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Everything posted by swiftlaw

  1. The frozen spoons is a fantastic idea . Out of cycle right now but will remember that. thanks
  2. What about the licorice ? The Portugese wizard and the overweight Shaman (who owned a laundry mat) the meditation and yoga - the chinese herbalist -the iodine lady - the pierced gum theory - tooth extraction and mercury filling replacement - all these things I have done. Why not a pair of Dutch X-Ray specs ! I'm game.
  3. Les - read all the threads down to here. I am 61 - 23 or so years into my CH - like a clock from the Vernal Equinox to the Summer Solstace every year. 2 good years busting with shrooms - last year no luck - I tend to cave in after a dose if the CH comes back and use the inmitrex - just to buy some time - but then I'm back in it and can't get clean enough to have the shrooms work. I smoke - I have a mild benzo habit for 3 years ( 1mg adavan same time every night) and I am already feeling the beast beginning to circle. I used "licorice water" several years ago in my quest - to no avail ( I have been to a Navajo Shaman, a Portuguese wizard and all in between. ) Help! Your explanations are so elegant - god dam I fear this onset so much - I fear for my own life - will i be able to make it through another cycle?
  4. That is all nonsense. It pisses me off too. AO your post on the verap and combo meds exacerbating the disease was so right on and based on (clearly) the real deal - the experience - that only We can understand. A quip about drinking ANY booze in a cluster makes me wonder if that's all BS and he has no where else to troll. We are the truth - the pain is the truth. Your compassion moves me.
  5. Welcome F-Bomb ( great handle!). We are the only people in the world that understand. Good luck.
  6. Scott reading this post with interest. How are you doing ?
  7. swiftlaw


    Birdman - I hear you so loud and clear. I too am scared of the nightime. We're like the reverse of vampires ! Hang on.
  8. What pain is this? Colorless, infinite, surprising; No direction, Blind, clear, pure. What pain is this - of life or of death? This pain, this place, this private pain? Breath sucked in from sudden extremes, Can it really be like this? Can we survive this? What pain is this? From terror to complacency to surrender. Spring air clean and clear- yellow light signifies an end in sight. Ahhh – what pain?
  9. Not good. Its as though I have started a new cycle again. 5 days after my second dose.Killer kip10 today at sunset. I caved and took an Imitrex- the only reason is that my little boy was in the car and i did not want him to see me like that. Bummer Bummer Bummer.
  10. Made The Pink One's tea last night - incidentally keepin mind - fresh shrooms are a LOT stronger than dried. Holy Cow. Jesus says Hi to you all by the way! Today I have that good headache - low grade always there -this I have experienced before. When the day after a dose the headach just lingers at a 2.5 all day. Its uncomfortable but a good sign I think. More tomorrow.
  11. What a great source you are - keep it commin and thank you so much. Tom Swift
  12. Thanks Bob. Its been a long time Man. A long long time.
  13. Update- I dosed 60 days ago when I first wrote this post. About 4 days later the CH's were returning but moderate - I have been able to keep them at bay w/conventional meds. The cluster ended about 2 weeks ago. ITS BACK now for 3 days. Having milder attacks - this entire cluster I never got over a KIP 5. Last night I had 3 at KIP2.5 to 4. I am going to go back to the Pink One's tea recipe - was able to get some organic semi-fresh product. I did not follow through like I have in years past- stoopid. I'll let you know - but Man - I hate this beast. Great to hear from so many old hands an am enjoying the posts,
  14. Hello fellow CH's. I am a 35 year veteran of the old board but here I am again as a "Newbie" ! Every Spring the beast comes lurking. Some years I have not had access to shrooms till late in the cluster even then I have been able to bust em with 3 to 5 doses over several weeks. The shadows are back and last night I woke up with a Kip 2.5. So - having a stash left from last year I dosed about 30 minutes ago approx. 2.5 gr. Popped em in my mouth chewed as long as I could stand it and drank 12 oz of H20. Usually I would make ther tea - but felt hell - just shove in and go for it It is very early in this cycle. I'll keep you posted as days go by. Also FYI I believe very strongly that all meds need to be gone to achieve the pure remedy and that Imitrex etc require a higher dose to overcome. This year I am drug free going in. Wish me luck - More soon. Tom Swift Dartmouth MA
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