It would appear that my only son has registered on this board. He messaged me with "I want to learn more and share this with you, obviously not the pain, but a chance for understanding and support. I love you".
He decided to call himself (Timmy,) when he is really Timothy Dean Rambow II and he only lets good friends call him Timmy. I guess that makes you all good friends. He has had to struggle with being a Clusterheads son since he was 12. He has always been there for me when I have been weak enough to ask but I have not done that very much.
I think that I have done my best to hide/minimize, BS my way through the times that I did not want him to know or worry about. I now think that I was wrong!
He is way smarter then I give him credit for, so be nice if he starts posting and don' not!!!! ask him for anything because he will give it to you even at his own peril. I do not make this up, that's just the way he is, you first him last .........