Thanks for sharing your update Tom. Searching for info on CBD can be overwhelming. I have spent a lot of time looking at dosing and brands for family members with chronic pain and RA. I have found that this company ( ) makes one of the highest quality products for the price. Don’t get me wrong they are not cheap but their high concentration products can last quite a while. In comparison to Toms 15mg/1ml the Lazarus is 50mg/1ml. I highly recommend the tasteless high concentration product. It is by far the best tasting (it really is tasteless) CBD product I’ve tried. I started taking it today even though I just had a successful bust last Saturday. As far as dosing goes I have found that 15mg/day is low dose (highly recommended for anti anxiety effects), 50mg-200mg/day low-moderate dosage (also good for anxiety, inflammation and pain), 600mg/day and above (reccomended adult dose for epilepsy). I did come across some information that said you loose the anti anxiety effects at higher doses. Dosage information on the web can be some what vague but that’s what I was able to gleam.
Happy busting