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Posts posted by BoscoPiko

  1. 18 minutes ago, Bejeeber said:

    Thoroughly brilliant brainstorm there @Shaun brearley - imagine the scientific insights that could be gained from (speaking of brainstorms) what would be seen during one of those puffs of air feelings in the forehead sometimes referred to as....ahem......beast farts......

    OMG that was freaking hilarious! You never know though... beast toot imaging could prove scientifically helpful in the realm of beast digestion dislikes :P

    • Haha 2
  2. 1 minute ago, DJ Cluster said:

    My quality of life has improved because of the way I've dealt with the attacks and focusing on the pain during an attack is only way I can deal with it. I feel attacks last longer if I don't.

    I've never said O2 isn't proven science, just that I'm not using it at the moment.

    Rant over & sorry if I put the Cat among the Pigeons!

    No worries at all. I'm glad that you have found a quality of life through due diligence. It wasn't even your post that put a burr in my bonnet.   I'm just a good old fashioned A-hole. No big deal that you are not using O2, we all have to be our own best advocate as no one else will.  Cups up to your continued success!

    • Like 1
  3. On 5/8/2022 at 1:18 AM, Shaun brearley said:

    I reckon it's your brain trying to escape Bosco. 

    You couldn't blame it Shaun! This housing needs all new wiring and what not, as the short circuits are bound to start a fire...Gosh wishing to be Kerrie is awful, But...

     Disaster Girl - They said my Cluster Headache  was just normal headache and I should take Tylenol.  They will never say anything ever again now. 

    • Haha 4
  4. So this is certain to garner a chuckle or 2, but I've been experiencing something a bit odd of late... The best I can describe it is an air pocket, bubble, buldge, a quick pressure that feels like a an air pocket is filling up then is gone as quickly as it came... It's an odd feeling and somewhat scary. It only ever happens on my CH side (rt temple) and seems to occur more often when I have had a good stretch between bangers.. Has anyone else ever experienced this? 

  5. 9 minutes ago, Bejeeber said:

    Just wow wow wow WOW! I was picturing a typical old fashioned greenhouse, but this doesn't look like that.

    And the beautiful natural setting sure doesn't hurt either.

    Thanks Jeeb! It was designed to match our home and decking. We were so lucky to have come across an amazing carpenter that truly is a master at his craft. I picked a picture off line of what I liked, gave it to him and this is what he came back with. Saved us a little over 6k as the kit to build this one was around 13.. I'm gonna have to grow alot of veggies to make up to my hubby:lol:

    • Like 1
  6. Obnoxious is all I can say about some things on this thread... don't get me wrong, I believe everyone is entitled to their way of handling CH, at the same time I don't think all of us prefer the ride it out, whatcha got method.. Then again I sit when I piss... so who knows... O2 is a proven citizen's science and medical science treatment so for those that prefer to not recognize it thats an individual loss. I may not have been able to abort many attacks with it but abortion of a few here and there gains me quality of life which I am so greatfull for. I don't understand alot of the medical lingo on here as of yet and am not sure if I even want to.. my take is this site is about help when you need it most, a place to educate one's self and find a way to live with what cards have been dealt us... sorry as this was certainly a rant...

  7. 1 hour ago, xBoss said:

    I pray that my daughter will not have them. She is two years away from when mine started at age 27

    I hope she dosen't either but if fate is not kind, atleast she has you as a guide. It's a  terrible thing to have to worry about @xBoss so for that I sympathize and send prayers. I've never met anyone in person that had CH let alone anyone that knew what it was so i would imagine it would be comforting to have someone in the know.. 

    • Like 3
  8. 1 hour ago, spiny said:

    Bosco, try that pic today and see if it will post. The file size is hopefully fixed now. :)

    Our last frost date is May 15th, so all that we have planted to date is potatoes, onions, snow peas, English peas, carrots, lettuce, radishes, beets and greens. The basement is full of starts in trays waiting for the 15 of May. So, the corn, beans, and other stuff waits.

    We have two big gardens. One 50' x 40' is my kitchen garden out back, one is 100' x 80' that is across the road in our lower pasture. Plus my raised bed for salads. We hope to have it all planted by June first. As does every farmer, we pray for 'good' weather at all times just to get it in!!!

    Your set-up is lovely. A green house is great for keeping bugs away from your veggies, along with the dang deer!! And you are safe from unsavory weather too! Color me jealous. :rolleyes: Our winds are pretty strong, so a greenhouse is not on the list currently. In addition, the cost of the new 'Ag. Well' ate up most of the 'improvement' funds for the year!!

    Jeebs, you are right. We grow all veggies that we eat here. Currently more than we can eat!!!! The kids have all moved away. 

    Wow that sounds awesome Spiny! I wish I could do corn but it is more of an outdoor garden thing (space wise). That's so cool that you plant all the veggies your family eats shoot with prices the way they are it's almost necessary but aside from that part I just enjoy tinkering around with the plants. I'll try and post the pick again when I get to work.

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  9. Here is what I have ready for the greenhouse so far. Cucumbers, celery, jalapeno peppers, ancho peppers, serrano peppers, bell peppers, brussel sprouts, broccoli, zucchini, tomatillos, strawberry's, tomatoes, egg plant, onions and cucamelon. I'm sure I'm leaving out some things. I cant attach the greenhouse location in this one because of file size. Will have to post separately. 


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