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Posts posted by BoscoPiko

  1. Ah this post was pretty cool Juss:) I don't eat much weat or things with flower anymore but boy this made me miss a good dumpling! My husband is Hispanic and I am native American Indian (feather not dot) anyhoo he makes amazing salsa, chili colorado, chili verde and lots of Mexican delights! I'll have to remember to share his salsa recipe here on this thread when I get home! BTW you can get a huge pork butt pretty cheap and it could feed you for a decent amount of time..

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  2. 2 hours ago, Jteira said:

    Also, doesn't the higher correlation of cannabis use with schizophrenia apply to teenagers and young adults?

    I am not as well read as I should be but most I have read on this subject does correlate to the un-developed brain and schizophrenia. I wasn't as interested in the ketamine write up but thought is would be nice to post the background and uses etc. for folks like myself that don't know as much about it as we should or could. Anyhow from what I have taken the time to read I do believe that ketamine should not be ruled out as an abortive. I don't know of the properties as for a prevent, I need to research more. What I do know with certainty is the pain that we go through, the life that is robbed from us when experiencing an attack and the power of knowledge. For myself, this site has helped me to explore much more than I normally would have so to me that's a positive. More tools to get the job done cant hurt..

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  3. 9 hours ago, Juss said:

    You must experience what it is like to be up for 6 days, not eat.

    LOL no thanks on that! I am rather conservative when it comes to meds both illegal and legal. I just though the read on uses, background etc. was interesting. I was more interested in the allergy desensitization as it makes sense that if you can train your body to not react poorly and or become inflamed by particular elements then in a sense you are riding yourself of said allergen?  I am not sure how it works but would assume it's a lot like flagging out a horse. Just the initial approach with a flag at the end of a stick can cause an unfamiliar horse to freak out but as you get a bit closer with each try the horse becomes less reactive and more accepting and eventually you can rub the horse all over with the flag without even a flinch.. I am sure it is a much different than this but that's the best comparison (coming from a horse gal) I can think of :rolleyes:  

  4. After getting whatever strain of COVID-19 my husband and I contracted I felt it important to find a pharmacy that would allow us to purchase ivermectin (in my opinion it is what got my husband through). Yes I know it's a controversial drug so please just know my post is not about ivermectin but something interesting I discovered after finding this company. While researching the company I found some pretty informative information on the site including ketamine and allergy desensitization. Anyhow here is a link to the ketamine bit https://www.fusionspecialtypharmacy.com/uncategorized/ketamine-what-is-all-the-fuss-about/ the rest can be searched on the site. Cheers!

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  5. 55 minutes ago, spiny said:

    I allowed my husband to pour cold water over my head. Then almost killed him with the exquisite pain that bloomed from that cold bucket of water. :wacko:

    Bosco,some people find that nitrites/nitrates cause them to get hit and avoid bacon and all smoked meats along with blue cheese and its' kin along with a lot of other foods. But only in cycle!! Not all the time.                                                                                                             I too tried the 'don't lean over thing for a long time!!! I would squat down with my chin up to pick up stuff cause to lean forward would give me a horrid shadow for hours after!! But I did 'test drive' this method my looking down on occasion. Yep, shadows. Once out of cycle, not an issue. For me it is not the leaning that does it, but when I straighten back up, that sets it off! 'Oh, barometric is higher down there than up here? REALLY???????????' LOL

    LOL Spiny! This one just made my day...I have read some on the nitrates and agree it can definitely be a no no for some. It's funny to think that I was not alone in the "don't lean over club:D

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  6. 58 minutes ago, CHfather said:

    If it wasn't so expensive, I could see saying "Why not?" and using it for that purpose.



    1 hour ago, AdamCHUK said:

    cfaley seems to target the trigeminal nerve from the nerve endings. The gamma core plays with the vagal nerves

    Really good to know! Thank you for sharing this!

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  7. 5 hours ago, AdamCHUK said:

    I was mainly using it as a preventative

    This is interesting as I bought the cfaley (I am assuming they are similar devices) when this debacle started and tried it as an abortive. The device never aborted any CH attacks but was sort of a good distraction after you got used to the sensation. You are supposed to use it daily on prevention mode but I never followed through after it failing to abort. Now I am curious if I should give it a go for prevention. Anyway you have to have a script here in CA to purchase and the device costs about $500.00 after shipping and taxes but there is no subscription or monthly fee after that. My true thoughts however are that it's more of a welcome distraction than anything else.. I could definitely be wrong!

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  8. 23 minutes ago, xBoss said:

    stopped being a trigger a couple years ago

    That's good news! My little issue wasn't a real trigger it was sheer mindfuc*ery.:rolleyes: I'm also pretty sure that the other adoption of not eating bacon is also just in my head as I've eaten it all my life but I got a super exquisite banger after eating it one time so now I just sit there and drool when my husband orders it at breakfast...

  9. 31 minutes ago, AdamCHUK said:

    I went through a stage of using Chinese acupressure points at the base of my skull and by squeezing the skin between my thumb and index finger. This led to one night try self-administered Reiki and I thought maybe if I wished hard enough it might just work. I can tell you it didn't but I was annoyed with myself for thinking it would for sometime afterwards. 

    Well at least these are more logical things to try than not leaning over lol!:lol:

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  10. 7 minutes ago, Juss said:

    My neck is broken. I have fractured vertebrae, indented ventral thecal sac, a loss of disc height 0.4cm (C4-C5), there is a backward displacement (retrolisthesis) of the vertebrae in the C4-C5, Bone Spurs (osteophytes) at all levels not fused, facet arthritis all levels not fused, spinal canal narrowing, marked foraminal stenosis (narrowing of spinal canal/disc space through which nerves travel) at all levels not fused, disc ossification at most levels not fused, vacuum clefts (endplate changes indicating fractured vertebrae), marked degenerative findings at C4-C5, significant left-side foraminal stenosis at C4-C5.

    That is nothing, you should read my L Spine report. I will just keep getting shot up with cortisone, eat pred tapers like candy, get Botulin Toxin in the muscle, and take analgesics. That is only mild stuff, nothing serious. You know, take it like a man. I ain't no girly man. Shoot me up and load me up. Until I can't feel anything and I lose control of my bladder, like the last two spinal reconstructions, I won't worry about it.

    Jeesh Juss, 

    This sounds awful.. All the meds can't be good for you. I understand the pain is also awful (not saying i understand your pain as you have more than just CH) so I suppose the need and or want to rid yourself at any cost seems plausible but I can't help but to think that maybe a diffrent approach needs to be taken as I'm sure you've thought about at some point.  I'm a chick so I don't worry about being a girly man. Some believe in prayer some don't but I'm gonna say one for you either way!

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  11. On 3/9/2022 at 11:15 PM, snugz365 said:

    Tryptamines (LSD, MM, Seeds)

    Jeesh .. I really need to grow some already and try this alternative method...I wish I wasn't so apprehensive .. maybe I'm just not at the wits end I need to be yet.  Anyhoo I sure hope you are getting an occasional  EKG at that dosage of verapamil (I was at that level and had to cut back due to heart issues) (some doc's won't require it and you may have to request). Positive thoughts (even if most likely won't help) sent your way!

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  12. 40 minutes ago, NeverTooNate said:

    It is strange and anxiety inducing for sure.

    I wouldn't let it give you 2 much anxt as I shadow the entire time between cycles sometimes worse as I get closer but not much worse than what I deal with on a daily..  

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  13. On 3/7/2022 at 5:31 AM, BustOrNothing said:

    One of my attacks came after blowing a candle out and breathing in the smoke of the wicks. After that, no blowing out candles only capping them to put it out. This lead to cooking things at lower heat to not burn it and avoiding smoke entirely. 

    Especially hard because smoking Mari makes the stomach and mood feel better but don’t want to do it so that I don’t trigger a CH.

    I knew I wasn't the only one with "something ridiculous" LOL.. I had to give up the habit of not leaning over as it is somewhat essential :lol:

  14. Knowing I'm going to be collecting thunder eggs here pretty quick I thought it may be nice to have something to laugh about (even if it means laughing at myself). 

    Wondering, what's the most ridiculous or silly thing you ever started or stopped doing in an effort to avoid cluster? For myself the stupidest thing I recall doing was avoiding leaning over! Silly as it sounds, when I was a bit newer to this show I got a ch attack directly after leaning over so I then spent a few months trying to not lean over/down! I'm not sure if you have ever tried this but it was ridiculous I struggled to put shoes on undies 2! I allowed myself to be so discombobulated for a time that I truly believed it may save me .... How silly is that! Would love to hear what you did or didn't do! 

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    • Haha 2
  15. I'm so sorry you are going through this at the same time I feel that it's important to tell you that you are leaving out details that could help someone on here help you. How many milligrams what type.. extended release or rapid? Have you ever attempted busting? Have you started the D reg? .. I feel it's important to be specific although I understand how hard it can be during an attack... I sure pray for you! Folks here can help just try and line out all that you are on and what you have and have not tried.  

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  16. Hi Billyx,

    No I've never experienced that or heard anything on here about that issue. I do recall someone mentioning that there CH had gotten a bit worse during the loading phase before they got better. 

  17. You should also look into the D3 regimen it really has helped me (has not stopped them but tampered down the intensity big time). There are more options than the triptans which in the past have drawn my cycle out longer than normal. You may also want to have a peak at the blue ribbon at the top of the forum ("new users read here") as that is an option that works well for many I am told.     

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  18. 6 minutes ago, xBoss said:

    I get bad neck issues, knots in shoulders as well every cycle. My range of motion is very limited and sometimes tension headaches. My cycle is due soon as well.

    Good to know im not crazy and sorry about your cycle coming.. it all sucks ass but we will survive... you and me both!

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  19. 51 minutes ago, Bejeeber said:

    I used to get broke neck on occasion (around our house we like to refer to it as the "Lock Neck Monster"), but I never thought to track whether it would precede a cycle.

    I do seem to recall a lot contributors here being a real pain in the neck reporting some serious neck pain, and I believe @Dallas Denny is one of them.

    "Cluster bunny"? Some genuinely classic gallows humor there! :D I hope you don't mind if I start using that - you should probably trademark it and require a royalty payment whenever it is mentioned. 

    Lol I'm stupid in pain and of course you can use it!

  20. So I poked around the forum a little searching for neck pain and got a bunch of hits because I used the word pain in the search. I then just used the word neck to search and found some info that indicated that neck pain can be a pre-cursor to the onset? I'm still trying to figure things out but I remember this (broke neck thing, cant move your head side to side or forward and back without serious pain) happening to me before in the past and I may have chalked it up to sleeping on it wrong but now I am wondering if there is a correlation? I only ever get about 4 months clear at a time so with my last cycle ending on or about October 11th I know I'm going to get a visit from the cluster bunny here soon and the other day I woke up and had serious broke neck. Are there any others that experience this or am I just special LOL.. 

  21. 5 hours ago, Juss said:

    It helps. I can't remember the steps and I have had numerous training attempts. I mean multiple. I would recommend it with whatever your favorite relaxing music is.

    For some, it is those damn annoying wind chimes and shit. 

    Don't do wind chimes either and thank you bud!

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