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Posts posted by BoscoPiko

  1. 10 hours ago, Juss said:

    did read a lot of batches stuff years ago, say 2013

    I'm sure his stuff has been tweaked since then really most of what he suggests is supplements no rx. The D reg has helped me alot my last cycle I was able to just deal without abortive meds as it took the hits from a 10 to a 6 or so

  2. Just now, BoscoPiko said:

    Thanks Juss and yes the k is included in the protocol.  To be 100% honest I looked back at what I've read and I'm kinda confused as to how the folate came into play..I wouldn't have just started taking it on my own.. I'm sure I read it somewhere but again I'm most likely a wing nut.. Thank you for not making me feel so far out there!

    P.S. I follow the Batch protocol.  He is a really smart guy. Look at his posts when you have a sec! 




  3. 1 hour ago, Juss said:

    It was a valid and honest question and there is nothing to be ashamed about. What I need to review in the Vitamin D protocol is if Vitamin K is included. You can't have D synthesis without K. Well, proper. And for that matter, I need to continue research on where the hell these doctors are purchasing their Vitamin D from, as their 25 Hydroxy Levels are at 100 nano consuming just 3,000 IU per day. And I guess that they consume Vitamin K as well. It would be the same disaster as taking zinc w/o copper. If you take zinc alone, you deplete your copper levels and a dead ringer is that it will be 90 degrees and you will have a pea coat on.

    Thanks Juss and yes the k is included in the protocol.  To be 100% honest I looked back at what I've read and I'm kinda confused as to how the folate came into play..I wouldn't have just started taking it on my own.. I'm sure I read it somewhere but again I'm most likely a wing nut.. Thank you for not making me feel so far out there!

  4. Just wondering about the role of Methyl Folate in the D reg? I've been taking it and have had no problems with it but I'm curious as it states on the bottle it's for heart health. I understand the zinc or quercetin needs a bullet to deliver it into our system so on and so forth (I can't remember if its the zinc ,C,quercetin or all)? Just wondering. 

  5. 1 hour ago, CHfather said:

    There is often a misunderstanding that a "trip" is part of the treatment.  It isn't.  It's just a side

    This tid bit made all the difference. I'm scared of the trip that's all. But this makes me move one foot in front of the other. Thank you so much!

    • Like 4
  6. 20 hours ago, Bejeeber said:

    Look clusterville friends, this post was kinda simple (just wanted to know how you all stayed happy with such pain) I'm not sure where we all got off course.  My intention was to find out how people like myself remained happy and hopeful for a new dawn a new day even if it meant you would be tormented.  I have learned so much from the good people on here that I feel like my question has been answered. My intent was never to create division but unity among those like me. Please understand that it is a struggle for me to stay positive and I LOVE THIS SITE. It has helped me crawl out of a very deep hole. Let's just do our best to keep on topic and send good vibes to our brethren pain sufferers! 


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  7. 4 hours ago, Shaun brearley said:

    Bosco you really do need to give busting a go. I was really hesitant to give it a go , mainly down to my job , but i've had so many pain free day during this s--t cycle because of it, it  has really been worth it 

    I want 2 I'm just so scared... how does it work? Do you do it when in cycle or prior when you know it's about to be dooms day? Then how long does it last? Uff I have so many questions and I suppose I just need to dive head first. I have such good support from my husband that I know he would babysit me. I guess it's rare to go loony at my age but it is a real fear of mine as my mom was mentally ill super bad (she listened to voices in her head for years and was so miserable she finally found her way to the grill of a car on the freeway). I need to search the site more as I know this is a subject talked about in depth.  

  8. 16 hours ago, spiny said:

    I don't think that you have tried them yet!! If so, I missed it!

    Hi Spiny, no I haven't tried them yet but that is where I would start if I was going to. Thank you for all the helpful info and way cool quote at the end!

    • Like 1
  9. 10 hours ago, Juss said:

    @Shaun brearleyI do adapt to the modern technology that suits my needs: Instacart for online grocery delivery, Ride Sharing (Uber and Lyft) for services outside the paratransit hub, things of that nature. I own an antiquated iPhone and refuse to upgrade, and can't afford to anyway. If I need to type a document or print something I go to whatever they call Kinko’s now. 

    Otherwise, isolating yourself from people and modern society is best. I didn't understand society and the nature of things at the turn of the century and most certainly am lost now. Furthermore, the alarming trends then, are past the point of no return now. Perhaps if a Funk & Wagnalls for modern life existed I would consider the purchase. 

    I always supported the idea of a few friends, at most three. That always was fitting and high quality I should state. Oh, the conversations, sometimes up for days discussing Dostoevsky, or F-Number and Aperture, and why Velvia 50 is an amazing medium. Then it could switch to the private law society and Nozick vs Rawls, to Marxism. Christ, it was all over the place. People waste their lives on nonsense. Why should I talk sports? An athlete is paid $50 million to throw a ball and does nothing to contribute to society. Yet an educator has a master degree, mountains of debt, and after 30 years makes $40,000? 

    Most in society are drowned in self-importance and self-indulgence and know nothing intellectually stimulating.  I prefer a Renaissance Man and true intellectuals, and not self-proclaimed pseudo-intellectuals that profess ignorance by their verbosity and inconsistencies in thought. And I don't mean ivory tower! Most that I mention never obtained a diploma. I knew dropouts that could outwit any Ivy League graduate. They didn't have the breaks in life. Give me real photographers, artists, crackpots, poets, writers, hell tradesmen. Give me the fuckups, and rejects. Those are the closet intellectuals.

    Wow, you have a million followers and have done nothing to contribute to society but profess love to your monstrosity of cellulose and glucose that you call bubbly. Honey, act like a miss, put a blouse and some slacks on, and learn proper elocution. How did you get so far annunciating such utterances? 

    That is the next thing, I was always most concerned with having a woman in my life. Not the suit pant type, but not the hussy kind either. The girl that was against the norm, but still could be dainty and classy. I had that and blew it. These modern women ain't the type that you can take home to momma. And where I'm from that is a death sentence. And now the cool thing is for everybody to cheat on each other, sleep around, open marriages, it is disgusting.

    MIT predicts that society will collapse by 2040. I think it will be 2030. There is no hope for society. Except for a select few of us, no one studies the humanities for ethical gain and enlightenment. As a society, most if not all, are in it for themselves, and everybody is out to screw everyone else or exploit them for their gain. People use hook-up sights. Women call it their John. I'm like, seriously? No modesty? And men, no dignity? Everybody has lost all morals and self-respect. Society isn't doomed, it is done. 

    I will live in my world, lost in documents, journals, books, and wonderful fiction. If the finances work, I will renew my passion for 35mm SLR photography. Perhaps independent journalism. Respectfully, intellectual journalism is dead as well. If your vernacular doesn’t include yo, sh$&, f$&@, and all the gutter talk than you stand a chance.

    Last, I openly chose to cut myself off from society and I hope that in due time I can retreat up into the mountains and live in isolation. That is my dream. Respectfully, those of us in the know realize that our options are wearing thin: isolations in the mountains, or go back to the old country where my family escaped from. If paying any attention, everyone knows it’s about time to consider Poland, Hungary, or Czec. Western society is about to collapse. Call me disgusting, I pray I have all my ducks in the row so I can stand a substantial profit when the 90% correction comes. If you know finance, the money comes when everyone loses.

    This was quite detailed Juss as are all your other comments. You are spot on with journalists and even photographers, I believe most know that truth is a hard sell these shitty days, at the same time most of us (even not Ch's) are looking for a moment in time to be allowed to chase dreams,play with a granddaughter/grandson without reprocussions.. yes that is the easy way to avoid speed bumps but that is the common nature anymore... no I'm not one of them, I tend to go against the grain. And do not mind the waves I create. I've also come to accept that I'm never going to feel as good as I used 2, I'm going to go through bouts of depression due to the lack of feeling well but .. in the end I'll have never given up.. not ever will I take this infliction lying down, submitt or say uncle.  I'll wear this pain as best I can in an effort to put a smile on every face that has ever crossed my path. As for educators now days they (most are told what to teach and it ain't worth squat)... your friend Bosco..

    • Like 3
  10. 2 hours ago, Freud said:

    It is a dose dependent thing how much dissociation and that few beeer feeling. The oral is much less noticeable. If you take the dose of nasal I was on it can give you a drunk like feeling for 30-40min.  All in all unless I’m having a 9/10 that won’t break w one oral then I use my nasal spray 5-10pumps (so 50-100mg). I have never felt anything like the infusions when using my at home ketamine.  I’d say you’re pretty functional.  In the beginning when I got much weaker nasal spray it wouldn’t abort my CHs but I used enough so you feel a little spacey and you just get through the pain easier.  You have the CH, you know it’s there but you can ignore the pain a fair amount.  My ideal situation is to have some intranasal at 100mg/ml and 100mg troches.  Save the spray for the ones that don’t break. Or a 10....  hope this babble is helpful, I’m at kipp 7 and climbing atm...

    Thanks for the info Freud. Sorry your in a bad spot!

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  11. I've read a tiny bit about ketamine and most of what I found said it was originally used back in the day to somewhat alevie pain on the battle field when a soldier needed a surgery from what I took in it did not work like our new age "knock your butt out stuff" but more like a pain reliever with a little extra? I guess my question or questions are how does it make you feel? Can you still function normally after and make dinner etc? Or are you kinda zonked?

  12. Just now, BoscoPiko said:

    Thank you Freud I'm only 3 years in so I dont have much experience. I've been playing aroud with abortive medicine and I have found (for me the trex and other triptans) keep me in cycle. So I avoid them like the plaque. I am episodic 3 months to 4 months on out of every year. I hate it but I know I'm lucky.. I hope your move to the sunshine state is fairing well.

    I think that's what they call Florida? Lived there for my 3rd and 4th grade In Tampa I loved the random rain with the sun still out.. 

  13. 34 minutes ago, Freud said:

    For us chronics, at least me.  I know the hits are coming numerous times a day. Often kipp 9-10s, so I see it like this. Plane, train, home all good same shB)t. There is no stopping them some times.  But anything except the dentist while they are doing oral surgery.  That was the worst.  Take some trex and hope for the best.  In the last 5 years I flew 5 times. Only once did I get a CH and I took a trex (that was when I relied on them). Now I don’t fly with anything except ketamine if I have it.  That would be a great abort on the plane.  People it’s not reported much but oral and nasal ketamine will abort CHs!!!   If you get fewer attacks your less likely to build a tolerance.  If you are worried about disorientation or other side effects the oral (troches) are much less intoxicating when you are a newbie.  Takes a bit longer to kick in but what a life saver for me in the past.  Having both is my goal. 

    Thank you Freud I'm only 3 years in so I dont have much experience. I've been playing aroud with abortive medicine and I have found (for me the trex and other triptans) keep me in cycle. So I avoid them like the plaque. I am episodic 3 months to 4 months on out of every year. I hate it but I know I'm lucky.. I hope your move to the sunshine state is fairing well.

  14. 3 hours ago, xxx said:

    Hey BoscoPiko,

    Cluster headaches are very sensitive to serum oxygen concentrations.  If the partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2) drops below a given threshold as it will when flying at a cabin pressure equal to 7,000 feet altitude (2100 meters) in most commercial airliners, PaO2 will drop by 30%.  This opens the door to the CH beast jumping real ugly. 


    The same thing happens when we sleep as our respiration rate is as low as it can get while we're alive.  The low respiration rate also causes an increase in the partial pressure of arterial CO2 (PaCO2).  The combination of low arterial oxygen and high arterial CO2 makes for a perfect storm occurring as most of you know, one to two hours after falling asleep.

    If you're an episodic CHer in cycle or chronic and need to fly, take a couple Imitrex (Sumatriptan Succinate) 50 mg tabs an hour prior to takeoff and carry an Imitrex inhaler or Imitrex SC injection pen during flight.

    If you're a CHer maintaining a CH pain free status taking a vitamin D3 maintenance dose of 10,000 IU/day and cofactors, take a 100,000 IU loading dose of vitamin D3 24 to 36 hours prior to the flight.  The following chart illustrates the changes in vitamin D3 and 25(OH)D3 serum concentrations following a single oral dose of 100,000 IU vitamin D3.


    Take care and keep your immune system boosted with vitamin D3.

    V/R, Batch


    Thank you Batch. This is great info!

  15. 9 minutes ago, Bejeeber said:

    OB up the shnoz, no snortsy.

    This is good to know... Maybe that's what I have been doing wrong?? My Neuro told me to plug one side and sniff hard when administering it goes down my throat and I cant help but up chuck.. Then I get a nasty nose bleed...

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  16. Thanks Jon, 

    I get a bit leery even when just going to our other home in  Truckee as I've gotten hit nearly every time on the climb up but I was always in cycle so maybe I just need to be 100% out prior to travel. I do carry the nasal sumatriptan in my back pack (everywhere I go) I just hate taking it as i get instantly sick (toss anything in my tummy and bad nose bleed)... Not so sexy... I will have to look up Lincares travel program. Thank you! 

    • Like 1
  17. 18 minutes ago, CHfather said:

    The only carry-on oxygen allowed on US flights is a portable oxygen concentrator.  Battery-powered, I don't think they go much higher than 6 - maybe 8 lpm.  A lot of hoops to jump through for that -- doctor's letter, advance notice to the airline . . .   Policies vary airline to airline.  You can rent them for travel.  I don't think the airline, at least on a domestic flight, will provide you anything more powerful than that to treat an attack.

    You can carry on empty cylinders or check them in baggage.  You can have cylinders available to you at places you go to, through your O2 supplier or if not, through other suppliers.

    Of course, you can bring abortive pharma meds on board, and energy drinks (I think they usually sell Red Bull).

    Many people here have reported success with a SPUT (small piece/(amount) under the tongue) of seeds or M.  I suppose maybe L would work, too. 

    I feel like (though this just might be the way it seemed to me) not many years ago, a flight for someone in cycle seemed to practically guarantee getting hit.  Now it seems less certain.  As I say, that might just be how I was reading posts.  Similarly, I don't think there's much risk of an attack for someone who is definitely out of cycle -- but again, people will correct me if I am wrong about that.

    Thank you for the info I suppose I have to try to know for sure. I'm to scared to try anything shroom related (that may change one day) but for now I just cant bring myself to go there. My husband tried to purchase me a concentrator but they are hard to get in CA and the company that sold him one ended up being a fraud. I just don't want my condition to be such a burden on our life. Thank you again CHfather, 

  18. 20 minutes ago, Maryo52 said:

    I remember getting a cluster flying to South America. I asked for ice and the flight attendant brought me a nice big bag of it and that did the trick. How about taking some energy shots with you?

    That's a good idea even though I've never used them. Maybe I need to try I have had good results with coffee so this may be a viable option. Thank you for the response.

  19. I am wondering what others have experienced with flying and being a CH sufferer ? I have been apprehensive to fly since the onset of cluster as one time changing elevation from our home in El Dorado Hills, CA to our home in Truckee set my head ablaze. I have read that most airlines wont allow you to board with o2 so I'm a little intimidated to fly anywhere. Has anyone been allowed 02 on a flight or been provided with it when in need? What airline did you use and what was the protocol you went through to be given it? I am asking because I know my constant "stay near" approach to life is wearing on my husband. He loves to travel and wants very much to visit far away places but I'm just a bit timid about the elevation and being allowed the o2? Any info on flight experience is much appreciated.  

  20. 1 hour ago, Juss said:

    I only try to help, though admittedly my approach may be abrasive. To be fair, twenty years ago it wasn't and I don't believe in the modern sociolinguistic theory, abuse, and destruction of our language. Euphemistic language is nothing but a strange bedfellow. 

    I try to teach people that some common approaches are true, and one holds much truth: “ignorance is bliss.” When you turn off from the boob tube you turn off from an assault of behavioral programming, derision, division, and politics. I think it is 5 corporations control the message that goes into your mind, it was 20 when Chomsky wrote the landmark Manufacturing Consent in 85(?). Do the math.

    The key to happiness is to stop the frivolous pursuit and instead self-discovery. Egoism, hedonism, it seems all the isms are deleterious.

    Read for enlightenment, challenge yourself. Good luck.


    Thanks Juss. Please do realize that not all of us have endured what you have and that dosen't make us less aware of the current economic environment or the current political environment.  We are smart Americans with tough skin God loving and God fearing individuals. I know you are a deeper into what's going on but please don't discount us . Many make a small crowd..  masses make a movement not to be ignored...The time is here and now as Time has no way to stop ticking on you or me. Time in itself is the most wicked of all things as it cares not..

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