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Posts posted by BoscoPiko

  1. On 10/10/2021 at 1:41 PM, Bejeeber said:

    that's something I've been unable to pull off lately. 

    I forgot to tell you I was only able to upload picks by downloading pixlar it let's you choose the file size and of course you have to choose small but they upload no problemo..

    • Like 2
  2. On 10/11/2021 at 3:08 PM, spiny said:

    Hopefully the Smithsonian has both!!! :P

    They do indeed have them. Apparently there were a few pairs used on the set (one was actually silver). I sure am glad that I visited in 2007 and had a chance to see and visit all the museums in NY. My favorite was the MASH sign as I have watched that show as a kid (had to make sure the generator had gas) or the solar panels had been in the sun all day . Looked just like it did on the boob tube.  Special times. Uff I sound so old!! LOL.. 

    • Haha 2
  3. 57 minutes ago, spiny said:

    The weather is going to shite?

    Yes the weather is supper odd of late. Today the wind is crazy... I question if this random spiking has anything to do with the fact that we just returned from our home in Truckee which has a much higher elevation than our home in El Do? Who knows and yes please on Dorothy's' ruby slippers:P

  4. 4 hours ago, spiny said:

    Bosco, I have not heard of anyone doing that. Alcohol is such an awful trigger, most avoid it altogether. Some can still inbibe clear spirits, say vodka, without getting slammed. If it triggers, most avoid during cycle. Just not worth it. Unless you are a hardcore alcoholic, I can't see it happening. 

    I have heard of a couple of Cher's who partied hearty during cycle for a particular reason for one night. Even they went back to 'Nope!' It was just a special occasion that caused them to jump that fence for a night.

    Good to know

  5. 3 minutes ago, Bejeeber said:

    You did it @BoscoPiko! So good to hear of this latest long battle with the beast finally won. I too am attempted to indulge in "jinx" beliefs, but really they are pure superstition and have no basis in reality right? Well I might even stop knocking on wood.

    Also congrats on getting pics to upload - that's something I've been unable to pull off lately. Your big chunky bear of a girl Abby is my idea of a REAL dog! Now excuse me while I go pet our....um...chihuahua:mellow:

    Thank you and yes you are correct it is just superstition but it's a bad habit (hard to re-train the brain). Chihuahuas count too:)

  6. 34 minutes ago, BoscoPiko said:

    Hi to everyone on here I just wanted to express my thanks to everyone that kept me afloat for my last 3 month cycle. It was a hard one and longer then I've ever had to endure . I really don't quite know how to properly thank everyone. I haven't had spikes or the devil visit me in 2 and a half weeks so I dont want to jinks myself but I think and pray I will be in the clear for a bit. I believe it was @spinythat said to me life happend between the clusters and I have had a few days of life.  Road my horse.. and am now at my retirement home that I haven't been able to visit in months.. a little life is worth living for!!! I want to send picks but the site keeps telling a different size so maybe later. Thank you all.


    Woo hoo got a pick to upload (I think)


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  7. Hi to everyone on here I just wanted to express my thanks to everyone that kept me afloat for my last 3 month cycle. It was a hard one and longer then I've ever had to endure . I really don't quite know how to properly thank everyone. I haven't had spikes or the devil visit me in 2 and a half weeks so I dont want to jinks myself but I think and pray I will be in the clear for a bit. I believe it was @spinythat said to me life happend between the clusters and I have had a few days of life.  Road my horse.. and am now at my retirement home that I haven't been able to visit in months.. a little life is worth living for!!! I want to send picks but the site keeps telling a different size so maybe later. Thank you all.


    • Like 6
  8. 14 hours ago, Kimbers said:

    And I’m back lol! As expected, my husband finished his prednisone taper on Thursday and that very evening got a headache, although not as severe as normal. Dove into this D3 for the last few days, got everything ordered and he started it last night. Since he always thinks he has side effects from everything I didn’t do the loading dose of d3 just the 10000 he’s been taking and we’ll do that thru the weekend so he can see that he’s fine, then we’ll start loading ( his anxiety has hit an all time high because of these headaches, which for me anyway might be the most annoying thing!) Talked to his neuro yesterday and she started the Verapamil. He left this morning for a quick weekend trip with his dad and our daughter so he’ll start that on Sunday when he gets back along with the full D3 loading protocol!  So far he’s been gone 3 hours and has already given himself an injection and is driving everyone crazy…honestly, I think it’s pure anxiety because this is the first time he’s left the house to go anywhere except the drs. in almost 3 months. I keep telling him he’s got to learn how to manage and live with these headaches in the outside world because he can’t hide out forever, he’s got to go back to work at some point! If anyone has tips for how to help him achieve that, I’ll take em! 
    Thank you all so much for your help! Its comforting to know I have a community of amazing people that we can reach out to for advice and support. Wishing you all pain free days! 

    I don't believe the anxiety is unwarranted. I still have it after almost three years of CH. I never get a long enough break to ever stop thinking about my head, if or when I'll get attacked. It's very hard to shut off. We as humans are not programed to deal with the level of pain CH causes. In many ways its like a torture tactic that I'm sure the military wishes they had access to as most would roll over with a quickness from the pain. Give him room and try to accept the level of pain. It kills personality, drive and all in its wake at the start. He will come around and accept help, profalactics, and advise on the more homeopathic (D3) solutions. You are a great companion to him just give him a bit of time. Best to you and him.

    • Like 4
  9. 15 hours ago, Freud said:

     I just feel like a burden to my family and am tired of this torture.

    I so get this statement.. I am not chronic and pray I never become so, I have suffered a serious bout of depression from the "not knowing" when I will get hit as well as how many things I have had to stop doing when in cycle. Many times I have talked to my husband about not wanting to live like this or make him live like this. It is so easy to feel like a burden and in some degree at certain times we may be, however you seem to have a good grasp on the affection and love that your family has for you as well as the pain that would be inflicted on them if you left, my husband always tells me "don't leave me". I am  located in the land of skittle farting unicorns (CA), and it is hard to get help unless you are compliant with many rules and regulations. Bottom line is that in the end there is always one moment worth living for. Maybe it will be a moment that you are not at a kip-10 and get to watch one more God given sunset, see a new baby be born into your family, hear your Mom or Dad laugh or  just have a moment of brain peace. I wish I had more to offer other that being a friend but I don't . Hang in there!

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  10. 6 hours ago, Juss said:

    I didn’t know that was off limits either. That is deleted. My God this is turning to be deleterious denigration on ones freedom of expression. I will keep discussion, hell, what is safe now? 

    I don't think it's off limits just I got a little political once and just got told not 2. So I was just putting it out there for ya that's al

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Juss said:

    Unfortunately-and most don’t know-PubMed is not conducive to being much for information. It has propensities to be quite selective and be privy to what doctors chose to disclose to said John Q Public. Sadly, if free, you aren’t getting the entire picture. There is a lot that sadly outside of exposure to strict academia, you just wouldn’t know of the atrocities that occur between the doctor to patient relationship. Presumptuously, it’s a big God Damn esoteric veil of borderline conspiracy. That said, I am supposed to be doing other things, but piss on it. Here is what seemed to be relevant. Also, don’t let date assume relevancy, often something from a quarter century ago can be damning, quite exposing.

    Oh, and you should have full access to all of these. Don’t ask me no questions  and I won’t tell you know lies.

    Sinus Headaches Reconsidered: Referred Cephalgia of Rhinologic Origin Masquerading as Refractory Primary Headaches



    Electrical Stimulation of Sphenopalatine Ganglion for Acute Treatment of Cluster Headaches


    Trigeminal Pathways Deliver a Low Molecular Weight Drug from the Nose to the Brain and Orofacial Structures 


    Neuroanatomy, Pterygopalatine Ganglion

    Pharmacotherapy of Cluster Headache. That is the most current release, from Springer (major academic journal), unlocked, free, and you are welcome. You are very welcome. It’s from 2021, mind you! Pharmacotherapy is Medspeak for the practice and management of how and what drugs they prescribe you. Now, you know the latest practices. Again, I found the back door, and you are extremely and very welcome. You have no idea how hard it is to back door into the lead medical journals. FYI, it ain’t hacking either. Again, don’t ask don’t tell. 


    A brief diagnostic screen for cluster headache: Creation and initial validation of the Erwin Test for Cluster Headache


    I hope that this helps. It’s refreshing to see others research something besides psychoactive/psychedelics. For some, such as myself, it’s not realistic, and the worst idea possible (foment a psychotic reaction or go full blown mania with psychosis). I can try, but for every door opened, the publishers close a thousand. You got to find, PRINT ASAP, and move on. Nothing is static in the world of journals-well, less you want to take a Dunbar Armor truck and pay up the ass.

    Good luck. If you require further assistance I can do my best. I’m not the best, but keep in mind, my background required thesis for undergrad, most undergraduate  programs don’t, and that meant hours of work, even the damn annoying microfilm.

    Am I the only one with the heebijeebies 

  12. Just now, BoscoPiko said:

    You have not listed an email address.. I looked at u your profile no mention of an email.... could be just not seeing.. bu

    Resigned if I checked but went to work at Pfizer as the board of directors.. no one should know but we do!

    We will get in trouble on here for this conversation you can private message me if you like. Boscopiko@gmail.com 

  13. You have not listed an email address.. I looked at u your profile no mention of an email.... could be just not seeing.. bu

    3 hours ago, Juss said:

    This is my primary focus, cognitive restructuring through therapy. I am the armchair psychotherapist, and I hire a Diplomate of The American Psychotherapy Association to be my mentor.

    I owe my life to Dr. Beck and the cognitive movement from UPENN, coincidentally where I had aspirations-and had quite an opportunity-to attend the Wharton School of Business. While lesser known, and I will furnish journals, I owe it to Ellis and his cousin to Beck’s CT, Rational Emotive Therapy.

    This is a straight Academic Medical Journal, and not for the faint of heart. If interested, I have access to just about anything, or know how to find it.

    I can even access, please give me time, some internal memos that they don’t want you to see. That I can’t promise, however, lost a lot of contacts.

    No promises. It’s been sometime, but I think I still understand the complexities of FOIA request and acquisition. Don’t hold me to that either. At one time, you’d be amazed at what I could get access to as a now civilian, non defense contractor. You just have to know how and where to look, and how to file. 

    You should be paying attention to the FDA. Something that none of you know, how and the only reason SSRis came to fruition, aka Prozac, is because Eli Lilly was on life support and needed a bailout in 89. Guess who sat on the board? Papa Bush! Money and politics go hand and hand. Sidebar, glad I couldn’t complete that major in Urban Planning and Economic Development that is code for corruption, politics, and dirty money.

    Anyway, I have plenty more of this. I have to get motivated and my ADHD is going like a blender on high speed, suppose it’s SBUX double shots and pushing myself. My psychotherapist actually assigns stuff like this for me to read, as well as clinical guides. Translation, I am a week behind thanks to the headaches:


    Resigned if I checked but went to work at Pfizer as the board of directors.. no one should know but we do!

  14. 1 hour ago, Juss said:

    It seems bizarre that I cannot read any posts on safari, despite flushing DNS, Cache, and History, even switching to 1:1:1 and then a freaking proxy. From there, a Tunnel and proxy. No luck, and while I could resolve the read error, just got internal server errors on the private browsers that everyone knows about. Well, hope they don’t come knocking, I’m freaking using the onion to try. No idea, seems suspect. I’m not IT. My background is HVAC/R primarily AC/R and Controls, and Oil Heat, Hydronic. Mostly light to Mid Commercial/Polyphase systems. My academic is majors in Econ, Finance, and Accounting, whatever is going on seems suspicious and above my pay grade.

    I just wanted to reach out and say hi, hopefully connect with some of you-you can email me. While controversial to speak freely, I don’t and refuse to follow Woke Culture. I always was and still am a rough boy, over educated and broke (sadly). 

    It seems, and I honestly forgot, taboo in these communities to speak of truth and reality. While I encourage everyone to try, try, try, when you hit the point of no return, it begs the question should I accept, or pursue useless false pretenses? I always tell the new to seek help, but be cautious of the Cleveland Clinic Caliber docs, many are pushers (and you know that). Even despite me vehemently opposing the medical establishment, I am trying to find the money to pay to see Dr. Mickey at the world renowned-if not best-brain clinic, Pitt, UPMC. My Part C won’t cover, and I can drive but without a car it’s a huge expense.

    My life was hell, but is fundamentally better. Once you partake in radical acceptance, and accept reality, the pain becomes bearable. I hope everyone understands, but for some of us (the ones you try to expurgate) it ain’t sunshine and rainbows. This destroyed me, my life, and I can only dream of having six figures, fast barely street legal factory rice burners, a beautiful wife, and all the luxuries that it affords. I studied the Harvard studies and lived/confirmed that after $80,000 you don’t get much happier, take it higher, about $120,000. Anyway, unlike most, I won’t deny it. I love money, I love six figures in the bank, and a shitload in index funds. Am I wrong, no! This life on the welfare rolls, you can have it. Poverty sucks.

    Anyway, I won’t get myself in a further hole. Live life, go with what you know, and what works. FYI, I tried to delete my post, and my account-no luck. That seems odd that you can’t. Again, was presenting my side, and was looking to reconnect with the few I did link up with. My iCloud wasn’t a cloud, and I lost all my contacts.

    Finally, for those that don’t go postal or have psychotic episodes on psychoactive, stay positive. There is considerable promise on the litigious side. In MD, you can have up to an O of grass, you can conduct business in an open drug market (Bmore, PG county), and NMDA and the stuff you guys want (won’t name drop), is already legal in DC. Not injecting politics, but if it’s far left, it’s legal. 

    Olay, I’m out.    





    Why would you try and delete your account or your posts for that matter? I do not know about other members but I can say for myself that you sound like you have been to hell and back. Yes poverty sucks but look at how far you have come. The way you write is pretty conducive of a very  sound, sane and obviously very intelligent individual (shoot I had to look up a bunch of the words you used). Why back away from a community of folks that understand pain? Maybe we do not know the magnitude of what you have gone through, then again I do not believe anyone on here needs to in order to try and lift you up, recognize your accomplishments and just be hear to listen? I have made an ass out of myself many times on here and so far I believe I've been forgiven (you did not make an ass of yourself). It is hard to not want to know your background as a private contractor (military I assume) but if that triggers issues for you then no big deal no one will go there. My mother was diagnosed with a shit ton of mental illnesses Schizophrenia, Bipolar-Manic Depressive disorder  and many other things I can't remember. She spent her life in and out of the mental hospitals, the doctors in my opinion, never really had a clue what to do with her. She would tell me stories about being held down and injected in the bum with Haldol and all kinds of other juices (in the mental hospitals they call it being juiced). In the end she chose to take a walk on the freeway. You haven't done that even with the years of what you have gone through. I hope this message gets to you and am sorry you are having a hard time with your PC. I will look for an email on your account and email you this if it seems that you are still not able to view. Seems that you have made massive progress. Stick around for a while! 

    • Like 2
  15. 35 minutes ago, spiny said:

    I get a ginger candy in a little tin that travels with me everywhere!!:rolleyes:


    I've never tried the candy. Maybe it would taste better as a candy.. I'll have to give it a try.

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