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Posts posted by BoscoPiko

  1. 23 minutes ago, Bohm said:


    When I started the D3 regimen many years ago for the first time, the magnesium was not friendly with my stomach.  I spend an inordinate amount of time in the john.  Batch recommends magnesium chloride, glycinate, oxide, citrate or malate but they are all just binders for magnesium.  I understand that different binders may affect how well it's absorbed into the blood stream.  Different types of magnesium binders have reportedly slightly different effects and some work as a strong laxative.  I read that magnesium taurate seems to be well tolerated with digestion so that's what I went with.  It's essentially magnesium with a taurine binder.  I'm convinced the taurine that is in energy drinks such as 5 hour and redbull has some kind of effect on clusters and so that's another reason I went with it.  


    Oh I see. Good to know. Thank you!

  2. 1 hour ago, Freud said:

    I have had eye twitch on and off before clusters started.  Lasted a year once.  It was so bad I had women think I was winking at them. Lol. Stopped on its own and randomly comes back...

    Lol... I tried to like this response but I keep getting a "you can't like anything else today" response...

  3. 18 hours ago, Bohm said:

    Yup.  The eye twitching started for me 4 or 5 years ago.  I also use Magnesium Taurate as it seems to be easier on my stomach and it appears to make a difference.  No eye tremors this cycle.  

    I take regular magnesium and my eye still twitches. I have to look up Taurate as I am unsure of what it is. 

  4. 4 hours ago, spiny said:

    want to hear of you going out and doing all of those things Bosko!! You will post about that again too, right? You have come a long way since you first arrived here. 

    Thank you Spiny you are seriously awesome. The eye twitching is easy to deal with in comparison to the thunder brain so I shouldn't have complained. I did have a great ride today granted I had to work my mare for a good 30 minutes to rid her of the piss and vinegar but it was so nice just to be back in the saddle. I owe many thanks to this site and all the compassionate folks on here as you all are what kept me from giving up.. Much love to everyone on here and I hope someday I can return the favor.

    • Like 3
  5. 1 hour ago, Bejeeber said:

    I used to have an eye twitch - don't recall whether it was the cluster side or if it started immediately following a cycle, but I know it was occurring at the same time as a bunch of other CH pharmaceutical after effects. I read about magnesium supplementation possibly being able to fix the twitch, and when I tried it, it did go away (coincidence or no?).

    Magnesium glycinate seems to be one of the most often favored and advised forms these days.

    On the down side, when the twitching subsides, people may miss the friendly gesture implying a degree of solidarity or intimacy they've grown accustomed to with you winking at them constantly. 

    LoL. thanks I suppose... Your post made me laugh...Thank you! 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  6. I'm just curious if any other CH folks have ever had a continuous eye twitch on the cluster side after a cycle? For myself this started about 3 years ago after my first cycle. The constant movement of my upper eyelid is obnoxious. I can see it hopping all aroud in the mirror and it makes me a bit self conscious as I'm sure if I can see it dancing all around others can 2.. just wondering if it's just me?

  7. 8 hours ago, Juss said:

    Oh, right. I forgot that this is all stuff you guys know. Perhaps I am misreading your post,

    Not at all... I don't claim to know even half of the info you've posted..I do believe you misread my post. Was just a simple question as I was curious due to the amount of info you seem to know about the disorder also I've never attempted busting to scared to try...

    • Like 4
  8. 26 minutes ago, Juss said:

    It's still relevant. I keep current with doctors that frequent neuroscience conferences at least yearly and nothing has changed in quite some time


    Copy and paste, the link works, it just isn't a hyperlink. Again, copy and paste. It's valid.


    Just curious Juss, with all this research you have done have you ever reached CH painless? There is so much information that you have posted I'm just curious if you have ever reached cessation of CH? I do believe that most cluster heads have done a shit ton of research in an effort to become and or rid ourselves of excruciating pain.. Your research seems to be on a diffrent level but still I wonder if you have managed to stop the thunder?

    • Like 3
  9. Hi Ta,

    There is a plethora of info on this site specific to the D3 regimen. In the top search bar of the forum just type in D3 and be sure to follow the instructions from a user named Batch (handle XXX) there is more to making the D3 be effective than just taking the D3 (you need to take the co-factors). You never mentioned oxygen so I am unsure if you have a scrip or have tried it or not but many on here swear by it to abort. It works for me from time to time. There is a video on here that goes over the breathing techniques that seem to be effective with a non rebreather mask.  I was able to get the intensity of attacks to be manageable without the triptans on the D3 reg. I so understand the frustration with folks mentioning migraine etc. I think a majority of us have gotten that response a time or 2..      

    • Like 5
  10. Hi Tamari,

    I am also episodic and truley understand the feeling of constant lurking shadows. I have had them since my first attack. At the advise of some pretty awsome people on here I started using ginger, first tried ginger tea but didn't like the taste so I started taking 1,000 mg organic ginger capsules and I have had several clear/no shadow days. Maybe give it a go. Hope you feel better soon.

    • Like 2
  11. 59 minutes ago, jon019 said:

    ....bwaaa...CCR stuck in "Lodi" again always been one of my favorite Credence songs. for many years i never knew what the  heck he was saying..." stuck in low-drive, lo SOMETHING"...and what's an "a-gin?". visiting my brother in CA one summer, we actually drove thru Lodi, and he asked me..."you see what he was talking about?".  i said who? he looked at me like the younger brother moron i am and said "FOGERTY!"

    ....THAT'S when i got it..."oh yeah, i get it now".....

    LOL Jon this post made me chuckle:D I have loved this group since the 8th grade as did my Dad. 

    • Like 2
  12. 3 hours ago, FunTimes said:

    Being CHH does suck but like Jon said it is more like high and low cycles within it. I am stuck in a higher cycle at the moment and it really blows. Going through 02 tanks like they are goin out of style and due to some sort of oxygen shortage in this area I was just limited to what I can get refilled so a little added pressure and panic is starting to set in.  Sticking with 02, 5hr drinks and Frankincense oil on the roof of my mouth and hopping that this ends soon. On the up side I do not have to sit around dreading any certain moth or time of year when the hits are going to start coming. I have the joy of knowing I am going to get hit in the side of the head with a brick every day! 

    Sorry your dealing with a high cycle at the moment. Thank you for the info.

  13. 9 hours ago, jon019 said:


    ...just note that chronic does not necessarily mean constant or increased number of hits. my experience: 23 yrs ECH (5-8 wks on/off), then 12+ CCH with high and low cycles within that. hit times were unpredictable with 0-3/dy. intensity less, aborts (mainly O2/energy drinks) worked better. still "twilight zone" but different episode. use the same tools you are learning....be willing to adjust.

    ...to answer your original question. there were several of the past few yrs where the shadow was near constant, because a hit is rare i actually got almost used to it....no choice as caffeine/O2/ginger no help). i'd zoot a zomig ns every once in a while when it got tiring....

    Thank you for that explanation. I guess I've been confused about episodic vs chronic :rolleyes:

    • Like 1
  14. Is that because you get hit daily? If so I really don't get consolation from that fact.. I wish I could be stronger but I feel maxed with the 3 month cycles I already have every year. Idk.  maybe I would adjust like you have I just don't feel that strong. 

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