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Shaun brearley

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Shaun brearley last won the day on September 9

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    Liverpool fc .Travel .

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  • Cluster Headache Community
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  1. Agree with everything said, I was diagnosed with sinus problems first of all then wisdom tooth on right side removed, still in pain, I'd really go and see a headache specialist, best people to get diagnosed by
  2. I stock pile SAMITRIPTAIN all through year, I don't use them but I've got them if people need them
  3. Hi @victorp, really sorry you had to find us here, but it's the best place to learn about this sh_t disease!!!!, sorry to hear it took so long to get your diagnosis but that is usual, you should be able to buy a regulator to up your O2 to 15L/PM, as for your shadows have you tried Ginger. A lot of us use it, you can get it in lots of different forms, Candy, tea, tablet, it seems to work for a lot of use
  4. And the god himself has travelled for America again
  5. Wish I could be there this year, but I'm working, doing what I love driving tour coach around Europe, didn't think I'd be doing this as CH f__ked up my life, but thanks to you guys and girl on clusterbusters.org I got my life back,
  6. I will put my list together, you will just have to wait a bit, it's long!!!!!!!!
  7. I haven't got a problem with your experiences at all , but your post states CURE !!!!!!! , your not cured simple as that !!!!!, and yes I'm know in my 27th month pain free , Have you ever thought that your CH has just switched sides
  8. @Douglas Wardwhat gets me with your posts , is you jump in with i have the cure , then you say you still get attacks, so when people question you , you say its just my experience, so it's NOT a cure!!!!!! It's just your experience!!!!!!!!!. Then you attack the group , if you are cured from CH buddy I would just leave this group , NO need for you to be here ,
  9. I understand that , But the word cure shouldn't be used , it give false hope
  10. All im saying is , if it was as easy as booking a flight to south africa and visiting the miracle doctor Shevel , every CH sufferer would be banging on his door , but we're Not !!!!!!!!!
  11. Mate I'm not saying I don't believe you , I'm just saying from my experience their i s no cure , and yes I have CH have done for 44years , and yes I've had a rope around my neck on 3 occasions , my cycles last 6 months at a time 8 to 15 attacks every day and through the night , , I've banged my head on the floor the wall I've even had my partner knock me out with a frying pan , I also stab myself in the leg with a knife just to try to put the pain somewhere else , so yes I would say I have experienced CH ant it's worst !!!!!!!!!
  12. Sorry not having a go , just don't like people being given false hope
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