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Very scary situation today


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Guys/ gals it’s a lil hard for me to structure a complete post without seeming to ramble at times so please bear with me. Ok first to the very scary situation today. I needed a lil bit of groceries today so I got ready got Sophie in the car and headed less than a 1/4 mile from my home to the lil grocery store. Felt fine leaving the house. As I was figuring what I thought I was gonna fix tonight lightning struck me in the head while shopping. Omg it was bad only one in a handful of CH’s I’ve ever had during the day I honestly panicked as I had my stuff in the basket and was in the checkout line. One customer in front of me by that time the left side of my face had became paralyzed left eye was shut solid no telling what I looked like to the cashier I barley made it through checkout then to the car. I thought omg how am i gonna make it home as it’s never happened and me have to drive. Thank god I was only about a quarter mile from the house, as I do live on a very busy road. I tried hard to watch for other traffic with one eye. Never have I ever had that happen. Actually hit the curb of the road 3 times in so much pain almost hit the mailbox trying to pull in the drive way. Sophie knew something was wrong so she was licking and trying to help as I was trying to make it home. I’m just glad I did make it. Idk how but I did could barely see from each eye. But of course my left eye was totally closed . Very hard time making it into the house omg what a nightmare I hope this hasn’t happens to anyone else I very much do. Have no idea what triggered it but it happened. Thank god we made it home.. 

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Wow, so sorry that happened.  Thank god you made it home, indeed.  Horrible.

Of course, it's an important reminder to everyone to "don't leave home without it," the "it" being whatever will help you out in that situation, from a small O2 setup in the car to a 5-Hour Energy in the pocket or purse to whatever emergency abortive you have (Imitrex, Zomig, etc.).  

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On 2/9/2023 at 11:35 AM, CHfather said:

"don't leave home without it," the "it" being whatever will help you out in that situation, from a small O2 setup in the car to a 5-Hour Energy in the pocket or purse to whatever emergency abortive you have (Imitrex, Zomig, etc.).  

That was the sagest of advice as usual from @CHfather - certainly lots of us have armed ourselves with various combos of the above when in cycle and hitting the road. O2 E tanks have enjoyed some real popularity as vehicle companions. In a mid-shopping scenario like that, you might drop everything and down an energy shot while beelining it to the car with Sophie, where you'd be hitting the O2 ASAP.

There was one clusterhead who was a patrol officer, driving in the car all day, who for many years had an E tank outfitted with a demand valve in the trunk at all times, and the way I remember it, he was consistently able to abort every single attack that tried to rear up whenever he was on duty.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have literally quit driving. Chronic and very frequent, was going to be a time I got hit like a truck on a busy road. Had to sit for hours in parking lots waiting until I could drive to get home, pretty much has made me a recluse. Was lucky I never got a 10 while enroute but had had some crappy driving moments. Glad you made it back but this kinda makes me glad I stopped driving.

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