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In my gym, there`s a blind lady i meet regularly. She`s a sweet person, we talked here and there, we both have kids  being the same age. Being ill or blind or whatever, i think we go trough many of the same emotional stuff. One period when i was very ill, i felt very small and insignificant to this world, as if i was invisible. Also cause no one can look at a CH`er and know about our disease maybe. A blind person must feel very invisible to the world sometimes.  Cause of that, i always said "hi it`s me" and in the beginning i said who it was. In case she didn`t recognise my voice. Yesterday she all of the sudden told me this "i always appreciated a great deal that you always said hello, you know, it is very easy to walk right past me. And people do it all the time. I know it, and i don`t think they even think i do".

That really made my day!! It really meant allot to me, i appreciated so much that she told me this. Once again it also shows me that experiencing CH have made me a better person. I`m not sure i would think it trough the same way before. To be honest, i think i would have been in a hurry and too "busy".

Been out today in town, Tallships Race is in my town these days. But, we been sitting down listening to some travelling Indians playing music. So nice. Magic :)

Have a wonderful day everybody :)

PFW to all


BTW, Why can`t i upload pic`s when i use the insert image button thingy? :P

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The way I'm interpreting the insert image button thingy is that you have to paste in a URL - the internet address - of where a pic currently already exists somewhere online.

I just went and right clicked on a pic on a website, then selected "copy image address" (In Safari) in order to copy the URL for that image, which was:


Now after coming back here I'm clicking the image button and selecting 'paste'. Then upon 'Refresh Preview', voila, the image appears:


So I suppose for personal pics, you'd have to have them on an online photo storage site like photobucket or something and link to them there, but unfortunately you can't simply just upload them from your computer. Someone please tell me I'm wrong and there's an easier solution.  :D

I hope this means we'll get to see some tall ships and Indian musicians now Tingeling.  ;D

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