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Verapamil Horror Stories


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Good idea Ricardo, maybe I had to do the same when I visited my neuro last time. She wasn't impressed by the side effects of Meds but did say shrooms are bad, can you imagine, LOL  ;)

Verapamil, I hate it. It did do nothing to me with CH, makes things not worse but also not better.

Side effect are bad for me as I feel constantly dizzy whole day, like a zombie. It did make me tired and I had difficulties to walk stairs because of the heartbeat that slowed down. Also my stomach had problems and lost appetite of foods.

And in the end I quit Verapamil as the side effect were more awful then the med did it's work. Quitting made me feel better again and CH isn't getting worse so Verapamil didn't work for me.


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I'll NEVER take that stuff again...  Verapamil

#1 - It didn't help my CH

#2 - Made me tired and dizzy

#3 - Gave me heart palipitations - Premature Ventricle Contractions (PVC's).  They started a few weeks after I started verapamil, and didn't go away for months after stopping.  REALLY scarry stuff.  My heart would skip a beat then stop and wait to restart in rythm.  When it restarts it feels like your heart is going to jump out of your chest, and wouldn't restart for 4 or 5 seconds sometimes.  I never once had a heart issue before starting verapamil... 

I gave it a good go, and stayed on it for about 2 months well into a bad cycle, and it didn't do squat in reducing the pain or terminating the cycle.

Just my 2c...

Good luck with the new neuro,


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When verapamil was the only thing being recommended, I took it. It worked relatively well. Lost its efficacy after awhile. Combined it with lithium (the "chronic cocktail") and regained some of its abilities. At one time pushed it to 720mg/day, started feeling heart palpitations.

Constipation, loss of sex drive, lethargy. But my head didn't hurt as much. Or as often.

When the only tool in your box is a hammer, every problem becomes a nail. But some problems ARE nails. I'm not going to diss it too badly. It helped me.

I don't need it anymore.

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I've heard other people saying it makes abortives not as effective.  Is this true? 

My biggest reason for not wanting to be on it is I have no-where near high blood pressure, I'm in the low normal range.  I've talked to three docs about it.  I was first saying that I was skeptical because I thought it would make me tired.  My Doc said "blood pressure medications won't make you tired."  I talked to a Neuro who agreed, saying the biggest problem I would probably have is constipation.  Then I talked to a cardiologist who said I wouldn't have to worry about constipation because with my blood pressure he wouldn't want to put me on much of a dose--said it would make me too tired :) 

Good thing Ricardo's got a sense of humor!

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Here's a question a bet nobody can answer but I'll ask anyways...Does anyone know what Verapamil is doing that is supposed to help?  I'm guessing it's not actually related to blood pressure, but more related to it's "calcium channel blocking " properties.  What I'm really interested in is, are the calcium channel blocking properties happening in your brain? 

On another note, I am willing to listen to GOOD stories on verapamil too...:)


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