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I think I said a WRONG thing..or two..about D3


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Here's what I said in a previous D3 topic I started:

..people are starting to pile on (check the last couple pages), saying they get relief in 2 days (???)

Vit D3 15,000 a day looks to me to be the main player - I've seen some CH'ers report using only it, skipping the fish oil, and getting the same sort of results. I'm prejudiced though (vegetarian)....

What may be bad about that is the more I see how things are progressing over at the original D3 topic at ch.com, the more it's starting to look to me like following the regimen to the letter may be important.

Plus there's talk now about it potentially taking 3 weeks to kick in for some folks.

Sorry for any misinformation I may have laid on y'all.  :-[ :-[

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I have been on D3 regimen for 45 days now, it took four weeks for it to get in my system before I saw any results. I'm chronic and damn this is the best I have felt in a long time. I think it may have taken awhile to rise my vitamin D level and for the lemonade to adjust my ph. peace and good luck with this if you are trying it.

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