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Same questions, new guy


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Thanks for the info, I have been taking D3, but apparently not nearly enough. Got hit today, and last night and it ain't over yet. I tried a energy drink today but a different brand so maybe that's the problem. The one that seemed to work was Monster brand, tastes like shit but its worth it if it works. I'll study up on the threads and find the right formulations. 

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For the greatest likelihood of success, you want to do all four elements of the D3 regimen: D3, Omega-3, calcium citrate, and the lemonade/limeade.  http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1314134804/0#0

Since you've mentioned B2 a couple of times in other posts, I just want to emphasize that we're talking about D3 here.

We've kind of slipped off the topic of oxygen a bit here in this thread, but that's the most essential element for aborting headaches.  Isn't there somewhere at your nursing school where they have high-flow oxygen and a non-rebreather mask that you could get to when an attack hits???  For 80-plus percent of people with CH, it aborts headaches within 10-15 minutes.  Here's a file you probably should look at about O2: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1299901790

If you try it and it works, you won't let lack of insurance stand between you and getting O2, whether that's through a prescription or by getting welding oxygen on your own.  It (and busting, or maybe even the D3) will get you your life back.  QAnd . . . on behalf of other CH sufferers, you are in a position to make a big difference regarding treatment of CH by educating yourself, your peers, and your teachers.  It's always shocking to us here how little medical professionals know about CH, and how seldom they even prescribe the most essential, effective, and safe treatment there is -- high-flow oxygen with a non-breather mask.  You'll see in that file that there are articles about O2 in highly-regarded medical journals.  So I really hope you will get it and use it, not just for your sake but for the good it will do for many others when you tell others about how well it works and how essential it is.

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Hi Jaw,

I'd like to second CHfather's hope that you not only find relief for yourself by using these methods but that you take the time to educate those around you about CH and about ClusterBuster methods of both aborting and preventing them. You'd be doing a great service to fellow CH'ers and to the medical community at large in which you're involved. Good luck!


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Yes, D3 not B2, that's what trying to read and comprehend with an axe in the head will do for you.

At school we have a simulation lab but unfortunately no actual O2, and in any health care setting I would be involved in it is a physician prescribed item so taking a sample at this point in my career could be dangerous. I hear the advice to go that route and I think I may know of an option to obtain an O2 tank.

I would like to say one thing about O2, and this may be preaching to the choir, but the use of supplemental O2 is not without risks for certain people. If a person suffers from certain chronic lung diseases they may have a hypoxic drive. Translated, their dependency to breath is driven by O2 levels decreasing. Whereas the normal driver is CO2 levels. Thus, high flow O2 can shut down their breathing mechanism. I have personally witnessed this when O2 was accidentally set at too high a rate in hospital. In the clinical setting someone suffering from COPD will be placed on O2, but only at 2 lpm via nasal cannula.

I do hope to be a voice for people suffering CH, and as you say, I may be in the position to someday suggest treatment that can alleviate this pain.

One question, is flax seed oil with omega-3 equal to fish oils?

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One question, is flax seed oil with omega-3 equal to fish oils?

ypu know, i think it is, but the guy who developed this regimen is pretty insistent that people should follow it as closely as possible.  i believe there are some vegetarians/vegans, for example, who have gone with a vegetable-based Omega-3 product.  it's hard for me to imagine that it would make a serious difference, though i guess the epa/dha proportions might be different(??).  maybe bejeeber, who has thought about this, will have something more useful to say.

oxygen is crucial -- keep working on that!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thankfully my cycle has finally come to an end, I did try the Vitamin D and Omega 3 but I have yet to get an O2 supply. I can't say for sure if it helped or my cycle just naturally ran its course but the severity seemed to diminish soon after starting the regime.

I just wanted to say thanks for the advise and comments. Hopefully the beast is going back to hell for another couple years for me. I realize how fortunate I am to have this condition as cyclical and not chronic.

Wishing you all relief and freedom from pain


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Thanks for checking back in Stephen -- it's frustrating here when people "disappear."

So glad your cycle's ended!  If it ever returns, you are well armed with information, and presumably you'll be out of school so that busting will a better possibility for you.

You can do a lot of educating in your new line of work!

Best wishes,


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Congrats from me too on the end of the cycle!

I do go for the flax oil which is known to be loaded with Omega 3s and is good for general health in 1,000.7 ways.  :)

There may be some reason that Omegs 3's in fish oil are considered by some to be more bio-available or something than flax. I think the outspoken Dr. Mercola super self promoter and supplement seller guy may claim this to be the case, but his general credibility isn't necessarily entirely intact IMO.

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It is great to be able to drink a glass of wine or have a beer without suffering soon after, also good to be able to handle stress without getting pounded. For instance today a job I thought I had a lock on disappeared, and tonight I drink some wine, no problems, where before either would have had me ice packing my head.

School has improved as well, I made the lowest score on a test of my college career during the cycle-just impossible to concentrate, I rebounded nicely for the second test so I'm not going to get tossed out of the class as of now.

One thing on my mind, has anyone attempted to relate trauma to these headaches? I carry a scar over my left eye from a childhood accident that required several stitches, and that's the same side effected when I have CH.

I won't forget this site or the good advice, I can't see myself suggesting mushrooms or seeds to a patient, but I could suggest O2 to a physician, and maybe point patients to this site (off the record)

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Well I went and looked at what 'ol Doc Mercola days about Omega 3 sources and I'm pasting it in here (for me to actually post something on the internet advocating animal source Omega 3's says something about how serious I consider CH to be!):

"Why Animal-Based Omega-3?

There are both plant and animal sources for omega-3 fats, and there are differences between them. All have different ratios of three important omega-3 fatty acids—ALA, EPA and DHA. DHA is the most important for your brain. EPA is also required by your brain, but in smaller amounts.

Plant-based omega-3 sources like flax, hemp and chia seeds are high in ALA, but low in EPA and DHA. Although ALA is an essential nutrient, the key point to remember is that the conversion of ALA to the far more essential EPA and DHA is typically quite inhibited by impaired delta 6 desaturase, an enzyme necessary for you to convert the ALA into the longer chain EPA and DHA. Because of this, it is important to include animal-based sources of omega-3 fats, such as krill oil, in your diet."

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Oxygen! Oxygen! Oxygen!

If I can get to nothing else... it is always Oxygen for me.

It was my first "Life changer" (30 years ago)... can't even imagine getting caught without it now!

In reading this thread I am still not sure if you have ever tried O2? I hope you will become familiar with this treatment. I consider it "The Standard" for emergency treatment of attacks. Too few in the medical community know of CH, and those that do, would not know what to give a patient getting an attack. Too many ER Docs turn to opiates only to find it has no effect, or makes it worse.  ::)

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Glad to hear you are feeling well enough to consider that!

I got through college with aspirin and O2... couldn't afford the side effects of other meds (Electrical Engineering no less). Trust me, if it works as well for you as it does for me... you will be kicking yourself for not getting to it sooner.

Best wishes.

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RC reportedly can be a hallucinogen in very high doses, but that sort of dose would be much higher than a therapeutic CH dose.

At a fairly generous 40-50 seeds before bed CH dose, the main side effect for me (and for others who have reported the same here) is a better than usual night's sleep.  :)

I've found it to definitely be much more mild acting than a therapeutic dose of mushrooms.

Can I ask, how often would you need to take this dosage?


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You would space any dose of psychadelics for cluster 5 days minimum apart. 

Of course everyone is different, and sometimes schedules don't permit a strict schedule.  You need to give the receptors in your brain time to open back up so that they are again ready to accept the medicine, and that is generally 5 days.

As you start to experience improvement, consider spacing the dosing farther and farther.

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