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Having migraines after spinal Ablation on L5 S1


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Mit, in my experience, shadows and hits post surgery are due to the Epinephrine in the anesthesia. I have had a major issue with that twice in the last 20 years. Both times, it lengthened my cycle and once I woke from surgery with a massive hit. 

You always insist on No Epi! They can use other anesthesia that does not contain any. They don't really like it, but I have found that all of my doctors will comply with that request. I always talk to the anesthesiologist if he is doing the anesthesia too! Your doctor can forget to tell them. So, when it is an outpatient surgery or worse, I have to tell them what I need post op if I have a hit: a Bottle of O2 with a Non re-breather mask at 15LPM. The two hospitals that I have done this with were both very helpful and compliant. When I woke with a hit, my nurse handed me the mask and did not try to make me lie down. It was perfect. 

You might need to do a 'dose' for it now to prevent the cycle that is threatening you. 

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