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The Count

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Good Evening,


May I introduce myself? My name is Simon from England.


Although I’m new to the forum I am a seasoned Cluster Head with countless cycles and episodes chalked up on the scoreboard. Advice, offered or requested is welcome.


There is a well-worn trope in the UK for describing suffering as “I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy”. I’m not so charitable, in-fact wishing these cluster headaches on my worst enemy seems a neat solution if it left me pain-free. Ahhh… I wish!



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'Count, we can possibly offer advice if we know more about your experience, and we would surely welcome advice from you.

If you click on "New Users -- Please Read Here First" in the blue banner at the top of any page, you'll get the essence of one thing, "busting," that is often recommended here, that you might not be familiar with.  Also, clicking here will take you to another set of advice, the "vitamin D regimen," that might be new to you and that has helped many hundreds of people with CH: https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/1308-d3-regimen/  People here can explore these things much more with you if you want.

A more general advice overview is here: https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/6213-basic-non-busting-information/   (The same information as the "New Users" tab material is listed at the end of this file.)  It is probably pretty familiar to you, but maybe there's something new.  It's all open to questions/discussion/your additional advice.

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Howdy, @The Count

Glad to see you immediately got the good overview skinny from @CHfather (who is the best of the best).

58 minutes ago, The Count said:

There is a well-worn trope in the UK for describing suffering as “I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy”.

Turns out that one has been in recurrent use in the US too. :)

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