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neat site for cluster abstracts +


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ran across a neat site w/ a lot of abstracts about cluster


also i had not seen this before but thought it share worthy

a study attempting to link Clusters and lifestyle habits


thought it neat .. anyone know how to get to the papers not just the abstracts

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had found the following article very good, and nice because it is concise and explains the intensity of Clusters. Great to show friends or family to try and get that initial explanation across.


However, when I posted it over on CH.com, we all agreed the last 4 words were a bit headline grabbing, and not a single person had EVER heard of this being used as an abortive. LOL

For me, it can sometimes be a trigger :(


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Just goes to show ya I guess that what works for one, won't for another.

I have actually seen several CH'ers post on the other site (and some here also), that the happy ending to those last 4 words will abort a CH attack for them. Oftentimes this is reported by guys about the...ahem...solo version of said activity.  :D

I haven't gotten to looking at the other abstracts yet, but those do look like they are neat in myriad ways - wouldn't you agree CHfather?  8-) ;) (sorry people, I just degraded the proceedings by engaging in some wordplay in-joking there)  :-[

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Interesting! Very interesting. I have, on several occasions, had clusters triggered by the solo variation of the above mentioned activity (and yes, women do it too). Love how we are being so coy about this.

I used to rank a cluster when driving as the worst possible time to get one. Now it ranks as the second worst. Damn annoying too. 

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