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I have just finished a 2 h Cross Fit workout with the most positive people ever, only persons i know of that have that positive attitude is you folks, this group.

Now a days i find myself a place where my daily life feels very easy, special occasions feels easy and like a plus in my life. Everything that felt like a fight and a struggle before, in fact that much fight and struggle that i stopped doing most of it, now it feels natural and great.

I feel so content. My life is so good. All the wonderful people i got to know lately make my life rich.

Tomorrow i will meet a situation that would make me very much stressed days before. But i have peace of mind now, it is OK.

Not sure if it is a coincident but whatever. I used Astaxanthin and that works as a Antihistamine's and also it may have a positive effect on neurological conditions among many things. Started out with heavy shadows thinking i had to bust soon, but no use to try anything out if i do a bust so i didn't. Day by day shadows got less and less and lighter and lighter and disappeared. could be coincidence but who knows and whatever it is i don`t care as long as i`m good. But i didn't even use energy drinks to do it clean so i can tell if it works. Maybe it can be a supplement to use in between to stretch out the time between busting. One more tool like Q10, Taurin etc etc.

This is some of the CrossFit group


Tried to upload a picture but it is impossible. But it is in here. Now my sincerity is gone!! LOL, kidding ;D

Thank you for being here and spreading a positive spirit!! Wouldn`t have done this today if it wasnT`for you :)

Go busters!!  :) :)


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Hey Ting,

Sounds like nobody even had to use the bucket at cross fit.  SWEEE-eee-EET!  ;D :)

Is this one of the impossible to upload pics you were talking about?  :D ;D


You do look like you're having a fun day! [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

That  tall dude in the middle needs to roll down his pants leg though.  :D

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FE...... How come you upload pic`s all the time!!? Tahnk you Jeebs :)

That tall guy in the middle didn`t have anymore energy to roll his pants leg, if he had tried to do that he would have to use that bucket ;D Doing the last exercise jump squats, he barely managed to go down and he didn`t came up again in standing position ;D

I had so FUN!!

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