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Cluster or Migraine App that is iPhone friendly

Chris FrazzledbyCH

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Hi -

Anybody have an app that they like for keep tracking of clusters? Lookled in the App Store and there are a bunch with in app purchase with 2 or 55 reviews or some with 47k reviews.  Don't mind paying for an app, just don't want to buy stuff in it.  I'm sure there was previous post on this, but I'm day 30+ of an attack and my search and read skills arn't great at the moment.



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Hi Chris,

I don't know of any specific to CH but I know there have been some posts on here with folks attempting to create one and I think one other that had successfully created one. In the very beginning of my joy ride when being told I had migraine, I used an app called migraine buddy which was good for tracking dates, medications and pain scale but I soon got tired of it and switched to a self created excel log which I also tired of at some point in my journey. I guess I just felt like looking back at all the bangers made me depressed which I was already really good at doing especially when in a cycle which seemed to be the time I was most apt to visit the log. Anyhow, tracking can be a good thing especially if you are trying to gauge your next doomsday and get in front of it..  Lastly you can use the search bar at the top of each forum page and plug in key words like App and a bunch of past discussions will come up for you to review. 

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Migraine buddy includes clusters these days
It actually has great functions of adding meds or other ways that gave some relief or not.
most ways of aborting are already in the app, so it's really easy to add them in a log.
If it's not in there, you can create it yourself

it's definitely worth a try.
I think it's really helpful to keep track 
All I have to do is try to remember start/end times so i can put it in when it's over

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