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  1. No, I use the standard version. I have been using it for 4 years or so. You can add and delete symptoms, meds etc. They have a YouTube channel that might answer some questions. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=migraine+buddy+how+to+use
  2. I use Migraine Buddy available for Apple and Android. I have it on an Android phone and an IPad. You can start it on one and finish it on the other if needed. It also is customizable.
  3. I started having attacks after eating about 6 months ago. It isn’t every meal. I can also eat the exact same thing one day and I am fine, other times I get an attack. The other thing that happens is my head gets hot. Haven’t been able to put a finger on what is causing it.
  4. I use an app called Migraine Buddy. It is very customizable and is free. There is an option to pay for more tracking info ie pressure data. I have used the free version for 4-5 years.
  5. And this from Batch on cluster headaches.com... Kirt,Try the Arm & Hammer baking soda anyway... I think you'll find it chases away the shadows... which are minor cluster headaches...Take care,V/R, Batch
  6. He does breathing exercises Batch, not just getting cold... I have done them with varying results. They have not taken away a hit, but have eased them.
  7. CDog


    Yes tried it for about 8 months, it did not help...
  8. I used 2-3 bottles of Gliacin, it has the Boswellia in it. I didn’t notice any difference. I also take a supplement for knee issues, Solgar 7, it has Boswellia in it and it does help the joints.
  9. I have used both Sinus Buster and Ausanil for at least five years. Both have helped off and on...
  10. I do the same with telemarketers, it is fun and oddly satisfying! Good for you... Just for fun, I did a live chat with them. Seemed to confuse the crap out of them. They wanted my email address so they could stop sending me emails!
  11. Sorry to hear it stopped working for you, I was hoping this would be your silver bullet...
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