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This place seems quiet.

Everybody better?  ::) 

Just like the old days out watching the sunsets on a hilltop ripe with fresh greens, pretty flowers, puffy clouds, soaring birds and gnarly babes I'll bet.   8-)

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Hope to hear about the conference Bob. Safe trip home.

Background noise is good.

Bonkers, nothings innapropriate here. A simple excuse me will do.  ;)

Brew, Good deal feeling the same for over 2 weeks now.

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hey everyone.  Just got on real quick to make sure this link works.  I have been getting a 'down for updates' type message when I just try coming here.  Is this site getting an update??

Don't yell at me if I am computer illiterate, just checking.  And people at CH.com haven't been able to get here.  or more specifically clusterbusters.com doesn't work but http://clusterbusters.clusterheadaches.com/ does.

Check it out fellow clusterheads.


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Good day all:

Thank you for point this out Shaggy.

When I run the back up on the MB it does go into "maintenance mode" and you can not log in.

Also, if DJ is running a back up on ch.com this extension site will go off line also.

However, both these backups do not take long.

Otherwise I have no ideas why.

I see a thread on ch.com discussing some error messages and DJ has asked if anyone encounters a problem to take a 'screen shot' and send it to him.  Please do that if you can't get onto ch.com

Same here on this MB, please let me know.

There is some discussion of viruses causing these error messages:



I'm not saying this is the case with any log on problems, just looking for solutions.


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OK, I was confused.  I thought you were inquiring about errors when logging onto this message board and ch.com, not about the ClusterBuster site being down.

The ClusterBuster site is still undergoing repairs and revisions, it will be up soon.

Until then when you go to the site you will get the message: Update In Progress, Check Back Soon screen.   

There is a link to the Portland Conference on that page and I've asked for a link to this message board.

Most of the files from the old web site file been transferred to a Files Section on this message board.

I will post when the new site is up and running.


PS:  Shaggy, you coming to the conference in August?

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Yes, I believe I am FunGuy!  Wouldn't miss it.  Have never met a clusterhead before, although Saxman and I keep threatening to meet up somewhere around Portland.

Psilocybes are my new best friend and they work as advertised by everyone here.  AND, given all the posts I read here and on the other site, I bet as a group we will be totally over the top and nutty! 8-)(sunglass dude for emphasis).

Let me know if you need help from a local boy for the conference.  Don't know how wild these things get, but got a few tent spots in the backyard too.   >:(


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  • 4 weeks later...
Have never met a clusterhead before, although Saxman and I keep threatening to meet up somewhere around Portland.

Now you have!  Thanks for welcoming me into your home today and for the 3 hour tour!  (which flew by like 3 minutes!  I couldn't help but respond to this thread)


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Yep, 3 hours of crazy, I can only imagine what the conference in August will be like :D (googly eye guy for emphasis).  Yes, I'll have to call Saxman and tell him that you were my first.  He'll be mad. 

It was very nice to meet and chat a while.  Hoping your beach trip was nice. :)


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