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Rookie Buster w/ Question


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First off I want to tell you all how thankful I am that I found this website and this methodology for CH. I have been episodic since I was 25 (now 40) and the cycles get progressively worse and longer as I get older. After trying literally every other prescription drug known to mankind that MIGHT stop a cycle and never achieving success I decided to try busting last Friday night. As a veteran Deadhead I am no stranger to the process but that was a long time ago. My wife even was making fun of me for being nervous b4 I busted. Anyway I put on my favorite Dead album ( I just bought a turntable so yes album) and lo and behold it worked! I busted at about 9pm last Friday night and had whopper of a CH that night after I fell asleep and was really bummed thinking it did not work. Then after that headache nothing.  It has now been 5 days and I am CH free (please CH lords.. no jinx) and here is my question: Do I need to bust again now that it has been 5 days or do I just let it be? Any advice is very welcome! Thanks again and I am very grateful to have found this community and support system. 

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Welcome and it sounds like things are working great for you. 

As for your question if you are pain free you may want to wait 7-10 days to bust again and after that  just do a maintenance dose every 3-6 months.

Hope you have happy holidays and your pain free time lasts forever.


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It's a Festivus Miracle!!  Well, not really, just the amazing power of busting!  :D

That's great JHS.  What did you bust with?  Personally, I won't bust again if the Beast is gone unless I'm still getting the 'Shadows' and 'tings' in/on my head.  But, it sounds like it may be a good idea to. 

Now the maintenance busting is where it's at.  I'm almost 2 years PF ;D.  And yes, this group and site is amazing.  Thanks for sharing your story and keep us posted!


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