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I'm Back!!


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Ok, here's the rundown of why i haven't posted lately. My computer bit the dust, I wrecked my truck (not my fault), my wife's daughter's house was broken into, and my boss is a complete JACK A...! How is everyone else doing? Other than the stress of all this crap, I can say I'm doing pretty good. The doses have done the trick every time. I will be posting alot more in the future, but for now I didn't want all of you guys to think I fell off the face of the earth or that my face had fallen off and I couldn't type anymore.

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Well welcome back. Think this might be the time to test out the theory of always stay stressed and never relax.

I am in a similar state of mind. Can feel the pressure building, but I haven't dosed because I might have to make a run to the hospital to help a guy that had a heart attack. He's all better now but seems to need things at strange hours of the night and day. And then there is the constant phone calls from family and friends. Guess I have the answer, unplug the phone and dose.

My PC is crap, been talking to tech people and can't deal with that anymore. But hey it could be worse____________.

Just really don't need a cluster cycle right now.

There is more but thinking about writing a sitcom and selling the story and donating profits to ClusterBusters.

Keep on top those clusters, good to hear the meds are working for you.       Leslie

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