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preventive dosing


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I have been CH free for 20 months now which is the longest period of time in between cycles I have had in 25 years, until starting medicate with  mushrooms my cycles were lasting up to the point that (9 and 10 months) I feared I had gone chronic, and there were only a few months in between the cycles.

I have been dosing with mushrooms throughout this entire period, usually at 8 week intervals.

I dosed 3 weeks ago and had the usual day after shadow, but now I have had a couple of shadows in the last few days now, I am not sure that shadows are a sure sign that a cycle is coming and was wondering if you thought that I should dose again or just continue on my 8 week maintenance. I know there is no set path here, I was just wanting to get some feed back. Thanks

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DOSE NOW!  I am preventative as well.  Did it last week and have some shadows so I will go again this weekend.  After a dose I usually have 3 to 4 months before next preventative cycle.  The one time I second guessed my shadows is a period of time I try to forget!

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I also preventative dose every 2 months. 

If you just dosed and are already getting shadows, you might want to change the substance you're using.  Try LSA or LSD...  (I wouldn't change to the roulete wheel of RC, instead go for the HBWR.  Just be clear, the side effects can be pretty nasty with HBWR.  Read, read, read and be prepared for a good hurl....)  While the body discomfort is a LOT more with HBWR, the mind effects are a drop in the bucket compared to fungus.  For that reason alone I prefer HBWR and maintenance dosed with it till 2 years ago, when it quit working out of the blue.  At that point I changed to fungus, but plan on going back to HBWR at the point I can get a reliable supply of potent seeds.

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