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Radio Frequency Lesioning stopped my headaches!


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Hey everyone :)  I have not been on here in awhile and for a good reason.  I went to a pain clinic recommended by a neurologist and he did a radio frequency lesioning on me and my headaches were gone after a week!  My background is that I had a craniotomy due to a ruptured aneurysm.  When they were cutting or stitching,they hit a nerve which caused cluster headaches.  I could barely work and was in such immense pain all the time.  I had 4-6 headache days per week.  Pills helped a little bit but it was the RFL that saved me.  I am supposed to get one every 6 months  and I will because I am the person I was before the headaches and ruptured aneurysm :) ;D

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Hold the phone ",they hit a nerve which caused cluster headaches"

This sounds wrong to me.

Sphenopalitine Ganglion Rhizotomy (radio frequency cauterization ) Has shown LIMITTED success for a very FEW.

'no-one' has had 5 of them,along with supra orbital,temperal,

mandibular,,,basicly every nerve from her jaw to the bridge

of her nose and around her eye has been burned.No help  :(

The only thing that has ever stopped a hit for her is injection

of xilocaine 10%  or maricaine 10% injected directly into the

eye brow (you all know the spot) and that only lasts a few hours

She still gets 4-8 hits a day EVERY DAY  :'(

    I'm not trying to  rain on your parade here aneurysmalex ,I honestly hope

you stay PF with or without the procedure.

    I only wish to caution those who may think this would be

the silver bulett for every one.

      The Dr. that recomended this was Todd Rozen, the pain

management Dr. who did them was Dr. Mathew Kline at

Abbington surgical center (just north of Philly PA)

     Do your homework before you get your hopes (or the hopes

of others) too high,the fall might just be the final straw.

  Again, aneurysmalex , I have nothing but PF wishes for you.


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Hey aneur-x, sorry to read they hit a nerve while in there, but glad to know they were able to go back and deaden it!

If I'm not missing something here, it looks like the unique cause and treatment of your CH doesn't particularly correspond to the ordinary CH experience, so there's not exactly a call for us all to run out and get us some of that snazzy new fangled RF lesioning for ourselves. It's a dam interesting report though, thanks.

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The only thing that has ever stopped a hit for her is injection of xilocaine 10%  or maricaine 10% injected directly into the

eye brow

Curious whether she's tried the occipital facet nerve block injections that at least at one time were providing Hipshot with total relief for 2 to 3 weeks?

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Curious whether she's tried the occipital facet nerve block injections that at least at one time were providing Hipshot with total relief for 2 to 3 weeks?


She's had more nerve blocks than I can count,done by several differant doctors plus botox 3 times,none have helped.One ONB even triggered a K10.

    Even Dr.Sheftell (RIP) gave up on her and got her hooked on stadol.Thank God thats long passed.



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  • 1 year later...

I had my ruptured aneurysm over 8 years ago and they performed a craniotomy to stop the bleeding. Every since then, I have had horrible headaches and tried different medications and oxygen to attempt to alleviate them. I contacted the surgeon's office and they would not help.  The neurologist that I had defined them as cluster headaches. The frequency of my headaches was 24/7/365 and they became so severe at times that I have had multiple trips to the ER.  Most of my daily constant pains were about a 4 level and I could deal with those because when one hit, it felt like a constant sucker punch with the feelings of hopelessness.  Those happened about 2 times a day.  Over the years, I have lost hope because I have tried  about 15 or 20 different medications but 2 years ago, a neurologist had a list of every medication that I had tried and pointed me to a pain specialist.  Dr. Gary Reasor put me on Methadone and I went loopy.  He then wanted to try radio frequency ablationing and it changed my world :)  Now I have 1-2 headaches 24/7 and the most severe headache I have had was about a 6 or 7.  When it reaches 5 months since my last shot, I can feel it coming back and that is very depressing but then I get the shot and am good again. I believe it was Dr. Reasor who told me that the reason I have these headaches is from a damaged nerve when they performed the craniotomy.  The clinic that Dr. Reasor is at is called Metro Pain Associates and it is in Louisville, KY.  I am not saying that everyone needs an Ablation but if somneone has had head trauma and is suffering from Cluster headaches, then they should look into it.

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